1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

All the different ways...

So yesterday I got a check for $185 dollars. Fantastic! In the end, it means that I got my desk for $50--marked down from $450. Pretty damn amazing. But I wanted to think about all the other things I could do with $185.

*Leah returns from internet shopping*

Okay, things aren't typically $185. It has been harder to find than I expected. Coral necklaces, however, always seem to cost $185. I could get a massage. I could get a new skirt at Vive La Femme. I could get two new pairs of sneakers at Fleet Feet. I could get mani/pedis for a month or two. I could go out to a fabulous dinner for two. Or a wonderful dinner for four. I could stock up on organic fruits, veggies, and meats for a couple weeks of home cooking. I could rent a car and go home for the weekend. I could spend a night at a fabulous hotel. I could buy lots of coffee. I could buy a printer. I could buy lunch for a couple weeks. I could pay my cell phone bill for a couple months. I could pay for CTA card for a couple months. I could buy Spidey a year's worth of food.

Instead, I have the desk. Which arrives tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love you (and my new desk) tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Happiness Pie

Ahh, Leah got me. The right thoughts to get me out of my two-days-isn't-a-funk-FUNK are as follows:

  • Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY (in booming Nascar commentary voice) I get to play all day long with my little cousin-person Lana, who is now one and a half! I can't wait to see how she's grown and what she's up to these days.
  • Saturday night I am going to my best friend's wedding reception, and instead of focusing on not wanting to face the questions about my own love life, and feeling self-conscious in the dress I bought, I am going to focus on how grateful I am that my bestest friend in the whole wide world married someone I love and respect and how excited I am to be able to be part of their life together.
  • I am reallly looking forward to eating at Bob Evans. As much fun as the diversity of food here was when I first arrived, a very nostalgic part of me misses chain comfort food. :)
  • When I get back, I am ready to tackle that big creative space. I was going to put paints and brushes on my Christmas list, but phooey, I am going to the art supply store and buying some with my nifty Lill Street membership discount. My final still life came out very satisfactory. It's funny, because my parents have a painting in the family room that I think my great uncle did, and I can see the style similarities ever so subtley displayed. So thanks to DNA for my natural affinity toward art!
  • Hey,speaking of art, I start drawing classes with my rock star art teacher on September 18th! Yay!
  • I continue to love my furballs and my WEALTH of friends. I also know how exciting, not scary, it will be to meet a whole new cast of characters when I am ready to move!


What the hell! Thanks God! Thanks Universe! Thanks ladies who blog with me and make it so fun to be in line with Source Energy! Thanks Prosperity Game!

I just got a totally unexpected bonus at work! Just a couple hundred bucks, but holy cow! That kicks ass! It um, like, pays for almost 100% of the desk I just bought.

It is my portion of an award that the company won for a project I work on. Totally shocking!

And, perhaps more importantly, I got a letter from the CEO and the US President with the check.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Nighty Night

I just wrote a post over at A Life Much Sweeter about beds...I really have not been able to think of anything else for the past 4 hours. Since I was sitting in mine reading a book, I realized my comforter has GOT TO GO. It is ugly, and itchy. It was cheap--purchased in a rush after half of my belongings were pitched by my old propery company (long story--the good news is I got a nice multi-thousand-dollar settlement out of it!).
So today I am dreaming about a new comforter. I blogged one here before but that was for an imaginary bed I purchased prior.This lovely duvet exists at Nordstrom and actually goes with my real bed and real sheets and I adore it. I'll also need this Laura Ashley down-alternative comforter.
There is just something wonderful to me about the fact these things are called "comforters."
I'd also like this little booklight for my reading in bed, this nifty pillow, and this similarly nifty blanket (blue please). In the morning, I'd like to wake up softly and gradually to this alarm clock, and towel off from my shower with these Turkish bath towels (I'll buy four in all).
Since this weather has been making my head feel all funky, I'll return to SpaSpace for an hour of Indian head massage and an hour of reflexology. And, if I need a head massage again later, I can always keep this around the house. (I may even use it on the train just to see what those cyborg-looking Blue Tooth users think!)
Ahhhh. I'm returning to my bed now, to think about fluffy non-itchy comforters and space-age head massagers...
(p.s., that all came out to $1000 with taxes & tipping!)

FYI: Ask and It is Given half price

Fellow Bloggers:

Ask and It Is Given, the book this blog is loosely based on, is only $9 on Amazon right now. I bought four copies (since I tend to give mine away on a regular basis) and thought I'd let everyone in on the secret.

Fellow Blogger

Oh it is good when things pop up.

A finance blog-columnist is interviewing me. I am struggling to answer the questions like you wouldn't believe. I guess that means I need to answer them.

Whoa! Look at this! That seems like a reasonable use of $20++K, no?

Monday, August 28, 2006

I did it.

I'm about to trek into the snow, sleet, hail and... okay into the drizzle and head to the gym. But I wanted to report that I bought the desk from Levenger's today! Hooray!

A Plan!

So, I already have a membership with Bally's, and I have taken Pilates there before. It was pretty good, I just never seem to get into any type of consistent routine when it comes to exercise... :)
Anyway, I was looking at the schedule again and they have a pretty good, pretty regular, and pretty diverse (some with props, some focused on abs, some on the big nasty machines that you have to pay extra for) schedule. I am excited about the fact that philosophically Pilates works on "core" and your "power source". Ya know what I mean?
I'm not quite ready to jump in hardcore, but I am going to return to the Bally's yoga class tomorrow night to stretch things out a bit and by the time I get back from Ohio, I should be ready to start my new routine! (I'll still be walking in the interim, using the elliptical machine, and perhaps running too, provided I can feel assured that I won't knock loose any more bouts of kidney stones)

Please Add...

I said it outloud today, so it's going here!

  • My goal is to have a washer and dryer in my (by then purchased) house and a much larger bathroom with lots of storage space by end of 2008.

I'll budget what I want, what I really, really want.

Four 24 inch stools for my kitchen bar from CB2. Four at $149.00 totals $596.00.

A comfortable sized desk from Levenger's. Now on sale for $199.00

A new couch and chair for my living room. For this I'll also go to CB2 and get both Oasis pieces for a grand total of $1298.00.

A six drawer dresser that is three and three. Went to Restoration Hardware and found out that I know very little about the world of bedroom furniture. So 8 drawers, here I come with $2650.

Proper storage type things in both my closets is coming from the Container Store. I've priced this out before and think it is $1200 for my bedroom and $600 for my coat closet. Bring it.

Plane ticket to Israel for my 30th birthday will run $1200 on El Al.

A new piece of glass for my RAZR phone, not a new phone. Priceless, according to Verizon, I gots to get the new phone. That is silly. I'm still investigating.

A manicure. $20.

So for today I'm spending..... $7763. And why not throw in a lovely brunch for 5 at $25/person. Just an extra $125 for some laughter while I show off my new bruises from assembly required furniture.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

It is all energy, every last bit.

I am in total awe of Diane and Amy's goal setting capabilities and will likely follow suit. Maybe in this post, we'll see how it works.

First I want to address that it is all energy. The things we own, the money we use, the thoughts we think, the prayers we give. All different forms of energy. Today (and last week) I've been releasing some material energy into the world. Last week it was an old set of stemware from when I lived in Colorado. How all 12 pieces survived so many moves, I'll never know, but I put 4 martini glasses, four champagne flutes, and 4 margarita glasses into the alley along with my George Forman and an old toaster.

Today I followed up with some fun purses that I no longer use. There are plenty of girls and women in my neighborhood who might use a purse with a cowgirl on it, but I'm no longer that girl. And my olive oil perpetual calendar and the strange wine bottlle holder thing.

All into the free market economy of Chicago Alleys. Know what? It feels good, I want to release more things. I also put some more boxes into storage. Things I simply don't need access to (and honestly probably don't need period, but can't quite go that far.

So I'm organizing my energy and letting it flow again. Can I set a few goals now? Let's see.

  1. Finish my 40 days of saying the shema.
  2. Let my inner self find a form of exercise and a way of eating that is healthful and joyful and fun.
  3. A llow myself to wake up earlier and write morning pages or dream journals.
  4. Do the final finance clean-up post-refinance of mortgage and consolidate my debt.
  5. Welcome a writing coach into my life and edit my book with ease and joy.
  6. Write more of my romance.
  7. Accept and joyfully say yes to whatever God puts in front of me.
  8. Reframe situations for myself, so that I embrace the good and release the bad.
  9. Continue thinking about future and current positives without worry or concern for challenges. God will take care of it as long as I don't send mixed signals.
  10. Shower love on Spidey so he always knows I'll be back home.
  11. Let other people keep their own "shit" and recognize that it has NOTHING to do with me.
How's that for starters? And of course, the desk. I'm allowing myself to purchase the desk from Levenger's tomorrow.

Six Month Goals

Here's the plan--right now, I need to get some goals to (figurtive) paper. The power that be has been good to me on the financial front, and while I want to keep that going, I am going to back off just a bit, doing the $1000 piece as appropriate but not in any sort of regimented way. i.e., my day of the week plan was conceived before the blog changed direction and is less of what I need right now.
Here are the things I want and need to do within the timeframe of the next six months:
  • Take up a new & challenging type of exercise that will keep me both physically and mentally engaged--esp., find myself a regular Pilates class.
  • Set up online bill pay for all bills that allow this option.
  • Continue to organize apartment, get rid of unnecessary weight, and clean up internet bookmarks.
  • Finalize "creative and quiet space" in sunroom--a retreat away from anything related to work, with art and writing supplies.
  • Begin meditation, whether formally (in a class) or informally (in my home).
  • Maintain a certain level of selfishness with my time. Remember that other people's shit is exactly that.
  • Get in the practice of cooking meals for myself to freeze and thaw throughout the week. Make a concerted effort not to diet, but to eat healthy, satisfying food.
  • Schedule appointment with Lifesource to donate blood.
  • Only go on dates that I can't resist saying "YES!" to.
  • Continue to dive inward vs. outward.

Things are fluid.

I've tricked-out my 43things.com and 43places.com pages. And by "tricked-out" I only really mean "completed". It's nice to put more thoughts out into the universe. Also, I have taken the list I posted the other day and made them more specific goals. as specific as possible, anyway. I cut the ones I finished since then (moving my workspace) and paused to enjoy the results (a feeling of far more productivity).

1. I will take three weeks and backpack around Europe.
2. I will enjoy the success-path Three Fallen Women takes me on and say yes to adventures and detours along the way.
3. I will devote some time to thinking about my clothing storage space now that I have options.
4. I will reward myself with a new desk and office chair.
5. I will find a great kitchen table and buy it.
6. I am more assertive about refusing to participate in mean gossip (no more listening and not commenting. I say clearly that I don't gossip and terminate the conversation) and I stay away from drama-maker people.
7. I am comfortable attracting financial and professional prosperity.
8. I counter feeling of self-doubt with a hokey positive affirmation that begins, "You are worthy of..."
9. I will continue to incorporate more natural elements into my apartment so make it more restful and spa-like.
10. I take time for yoga, running and my stairmaster.

Today, I have $5,000. There is goes into my bank account. Boom! Okay, it's fluid. I spend it and more is coming tomorrow and I am not worried about running out because it flows in and out.

Today, I know my next tattoo and it has a lot of detail and I need an artist who can make perfect CourierNew font letters and Hebrew letters, so, right off the bat, I'm going to devote $1,000 to finding this artist, travelling to him/her and paying well for a wonderful tattoo I'm going to adore.

Now, with the $4,000 remaining, I'm going to Europe for three weeks. I'm going to eat and walk and write and sip and photograph and sketch and just take it all in.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ask and you shall find the sale.

You ladies know because I sent you a text message. Moments after writing my post about wanting a better desk, I found a better desk at Levenger's in Marshal Fields. Half price, only $200, and sexy.

If a desk can be sexy, which I think it can. I'll think about it for one more day, but will probably have to get it.


I made leaps and bounds about keeping the drama-makers away. What a relief it is to have that out of my personal picture! I can't even begin to tell you how much better I feel by cutting the last few straggling factors out. The more surprising aspect is that it makes it even more apparent to me how crummy drama-makers make us non-drama-makers feel without (I think) even realizing it. So, in the absence of thee factors, I feel really good and capable of taking on anything. And, no sooner did these few days of realization happen than some professional obstacles just sort of dissolved. It feels like an exciting time, it really does!

So, some celebratory shopping is in order. I'm going to let myself off the hook for $3,000 not flowing that well last time, take an extra-strength "fukitol" and move on to $4,000.

The first thing I am buying today is this fountain for $600 because I think it's beautiful and I love the sound of running water. And, speaking of water, this sounds perfect for $800.

You know, winter isn't but a few months away, so I'm going to treat myself to this for $2,500.

The remaining $100 will get me two luxurious bath sheet towels from Restoration Hardware. Best. Towels. Ever.


That all-Diane weekend may have come a lot sooner than expected!
This morning I got a massage from the lovely Cara, and it was truly one of the best massages I've ever received (at a great price, too!). I could feel myself relaxing in the most wonderful way--at one point she released something in my hips and I really had to fight the urge to laugh b/c it's just what I felt like doing. A wonderful, joyous laugh.
Tonight I was supposed to have a date and I cancelled. I cancelled a date I was less than excited about. That's bolded, because I have never done this in my life, which hopefully begins to explain what a big deal this is for me, she who is the queen of not wanting to disappoint. Thanks to my friend Heather for questioning why I was going on this date I was less than excited about. Women cancel dates all the time, she said. It was my turn to do it and not feel bad.
And I did. And I felt great.
I have a makeup painting class in an hour. An Akashic Records reading scheduled for tomorrow. And much free time in between to organize the house, myself, my computer, my head.
This feels really, really good. :)
(I have some 6 month and 1 yr goals I want to blog out here, but I'm waiting for my next entry, after my reading and after a chance to just revel in the peace I feel today)

Friday, August 25, 2006

I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want.

I want to get out of the office, so I'm not going to price things out right now. Here are physical things I want.

  • 24 inch stools for my kitchen bar. Seriously, I've been there well over a year and haven't bought any.
  • a comfortable sized desk. As much as I love the one I stole from Fort Lewis College (from the dumpster) it just doesn't work in 2006 like it did in 1966.
  • a new couch and chair for my living room.
  • a sex (UPDATE: I meant SIX not SEX) drawer dresser that is three and three instead of the six tall I currently have.
  • proper storage type things in both my closets.
  • lots of new pants and skirts for fall.
  • and some new shoes.
  • a new laptop.
  • a writing coach to help me edit and rewrite my book.
  • a plane ticket to Israel for my 30th birthday.
  • a boy who doesn't say totally ridiculous things that won't be repeated here.
  • a new piece of glass for my RAZR phone, not a new phone.
  • a speakerphone for my RAZR phone.
  • someone to do my dishes.
  • a manicure.

However, this list isn't to say that good things haven't happened. I was contemplating my collage this morning on the bus. There is a woman with very clear skin sitting in her underwear doing a yoga sort of thing. My skin has cleared up dramatically in the last couple weeks (thank god.)

And the gyroscope represented my book (cause the center was a star of david, although it wasn't meant to be a jewish symbol.... so it was Accidentally Jewish, like me) and I got some good feedback yesterday about it.

Three again.

Remember, I'm going to repeat amounts until it flowwwwwwwws. Three did not flow so we meet again.

To begin, I found this after checking out Diane's posting yesterday. I love this. And, while I'm there, this is pretty badass, especially for all the travel I'm going to be doing in the next few months. Oh, and this, too because I hate to iron. Big time.

Now, with the remaining $2,700 or so, I'm going to Alsace-Moselle, France to connect with cousins and sit my ass in the Bureau of Vitals, do some research and figure out some gaps in my family tree.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Or I Could Just Buy This for $45,000...

Anybody else need some quiet time?

Seriously, I am now convinced more than ever that the folks at EA Games were rifling through a Hammacher Schlemmer catalogue when they created all the objects for The Sims.

I will have to change my voicemail to say, "I'm sorry, I'm either away from my phone or in the Oculas..."

I can sit in the air-conditioned private space reading, watching a movie, listening to music, typing on the computer, and getting my butt massaged ALL AT ONCE!!

The Chapter about the Wedding.

Why do you want to hear about the wedding again? I've told you the story a hundred times, you grew up surrounded by photographs. I promise you, your wedding will be just as wonderful. But, sweetie, you have to know that it isn't the most important day of the marraige. It is just the first day.

Fine, fine, I'll tell you the story.

We could have gotten married anywhere in the city, but I had my heart set on Berger Mansion on Sheridan. Just a few blocks from my condo and my shul, it was one of the last old mansions on Sheridan road. It is still there, you know, a little worse for the wear, but there. Next time you go back to visit your cousins, take a day trip up to Chicago and visit. We used to take you there when you were a baby...

It was a Saturday night in the fall. We started with light appetizers and havdalah. Then all the candles in the mansion were lit from the Havadalah candle. There were flowers everywhere, just everywhere. It wasn't overdone, but it was lovely. Then everyone was ushered outside to the lakefront. There were some chairs for our older guests, but for the most part everyone gathered around us in a deep circle.

Of course there was the ketubah signing and the veiling and a chuppah. My rabbi officiated, most of the ceremony was in Hebrew, but he did a good job of including my family and our non-Jewish friends. My cantor came and sang the seven blessings. The music soared over the lake and I bet they heard her in Michigan.

There were no clouds to speak of and just a light breeze. Unseasonably warm, but perfect for a fall wedding. After smashing the glass, on the first try (even though it was a real glass, no light bulb or EZ break glass for your dad), and some hearty Mazel Tovs, it was time for dinner.

While we were outside, the caterer had set up dinner tables and the band set up in the coach house. And we snuck away on a walk for our alone time. We were giddy, floating, it was unreal but so real. We went to the beach by the shul, a few blocks away, but beautiful in the moonlight. Your aunt trailed us and took those photos without us knowing.

The rest of the night was a blur. Dinner, dancing, laughing, candle light, flowers, more laughing, more dancing.

Ask and Ye Shall...

Last night, shortly after writing that entry, I stumbled upon this guide to home organization, and specifically the article on "freezer meals." I mean literally stumbled upon. I was viewing the blog of someone who made a comment over at A Life Much Sweeter and it was sitting there staring me in the face.
Emily--good work!! Keep the spending coming! Feel free to chime in on the other directions we take or just stick to the experiment--whatever works for you.
Amy--I was thinking last night what a difference your posts have taken since you first joined us. I remember thinking to myself, not ever having met you in person at the start, "gosh, this woman is sooo practical." And now look at you having so much fun!
I am excited about the goals, plans, mantras, and support to come here. Yay!

Until I figure out a better idea...

I might combine prosperity and fiancial posts, I might do two a day. Whatevs. I wanted to write out some goals and ideas and thoughts and put them out there into the universe and see how it goes. Perhps once a week. I'm also making a point of putting them in action-y language instead of far-off "someday" language.

1. I am going to schlepp around Europe all alone and write and take it all in.
2. I am going to enjoy the success-path my book takes me on and say yes to adventures and detours along the way.
3. I am moving my office into the feng shui prosperity corner of my living room today (as we speak, actually) and be open to it working.
4. I am transforming the walk-in closet off my living room that has been my office into an all-out girly walk-in closet with room for nice things to wear.
5. I am going to reward myself with a new desk and office chair.
6. I am finally going to buy a kitchen table.
7. I am going to be more assertive about refusing to participate in mean gossip (No more listening and not commenting! I will say clearly that I don't gossip and end the conversation.) and staying away from drama-maker people.
8. I am going to counter feelings of self-doubt with a hokey positive affirmation that begins with "You are worthy of..."
9. I am going to be a better cat mom.
10. I am going to include more natural elements in my apartment to make it feel more restful and spa-like.
11. I am going to make more time to do yoga and run.

I really like this blog being about goals and prosperity, too. It's like having an accountability council, which I've always thought would be helpful and positive. ;-)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I see three thousand dollars.

I have always wanted to have a glasses wardrobe and today, I get one.

These first for $228, then these for $240, these for $82, these for $312, these for $282, these for $116, these for $190, these for $80, then, let's say $800 more for lenses and cleaner and all that.

Now, I need several glasses cases. Let's start with two sets of these EVA bins to store my glasses in for $40 total. But, to keep dust and such far away from my precious specs, I'll take one of these in teal and one in green for a total of $32. Then, one of these in both the silver and one in lavender, from the same folks for another $32. This one also, for $16, and each of these (one of each color, that is), for $48.

And, while I'm over at that cute boutique, I think this is adorable, so that's coming home with me for $9. Oh, and this ring, too, for $20 (click on the "side view" option. Isn't that cool?). Hmm.. and this t-shirt is pretty, I'll take it for $58.

Then, I found this cute hoodie for $48, and I must have it. Oh, ha, ha, this t-shirt, too for $28.

Then, over to Waffo, where I found a great reference on a t-shirt this evening and must have it for $20. (Anyone remember Dennis Hopper saying this line?)

Then, this bag in green for $58.

Might as well add this Betsey Johnson cardigan, too, for $200.

With the $40 left, I'm grabbing a dining companion and heading out for a nice bite.

And, with my last dollar, I would, as many of you know, be insane to ever pass up a little blue typewriter.

Sweet Sweet Solitude

It's such a simple thing to aim for. One whole weekend without plans. One whole weekend to myself.
Yet the last time it happened was when I was off my feet for a weekend, and that was more of a forced solitude than a pleasant, contemplative solitude.
I even daydream about having a whole week without plans, but considering I've not even achieved a weekend in close to a year save for that aforementioned and medically necessary one, I am going to start with baby steps.
Aside from being an important time to recharge and regenerate, I have all these wonderful things I want to think and write and think about right now and I literally don't have the mental space to squeeze them in. That makes me sad, because it means I've given over soooo much of my time to others. (No hurt feelings here!! Of COURSE when I socialize with anyone on this blog or elsewhere it's pleasurable, but I'm dying for 48 uninterrupted hours to myself.)
It's going to happen the weekend of September 9th (because that's the first weekend I actually can afford to do it). The following Wednesday I'm going to see Cat Power by myself, which I'm really pretty thrilled about, so it's a good launching point. I'm scheduling a real life appointment at SpaSpace--if my skin is not being too fussy, I'm going for the signature facial plus hot stone treatment. And I WILL ORGANIZE MY COMPUTER AND MY HOUSE!! The states of both are causing me tremendous mental stress.
Also? I am cooking for myself. I'm really a very good cook & love doing it, but I never have the time/energy to cook just for me. I can feel my body & my stress levels suffering as a result of not having good meals but for perhaps one day a week. So I'm making myself nice freezable meals that I can thaw throughout the course of the week. I'll probably be due for a Peapod delivery so I'll plan it for that Saturday morning & all my fixin's will be nice and fresh.
I want like an hour to just zone out and play video games for the hell of it.
The phones will be turned off and only checked for extreme emergencies. The e-mail, especially the work-related e-mail, STAYS DOWN ALL WEEKEND! No more checking work e-mails from a cab in the evening on my cell phone, for heaven's sake. Somewhere in there I'm going for a run or a long walk, not at the gym, but on side streets where I can feel pretty isolated & refreshed.
Ah. There. I feel better already. Now, fellow bloggers, I ask you--make me stick to it!! Check in with me just before to see if I booked myself solid as I am prone to do. Check in with me after to see if I buckled for a favor like I always do.
Thank you thank you thank you!

To Cleanse My Mind, For Reals

I'm off to Chiva-Som Spa in Thailand.
I'm staying in the Thai Pavillion for the 5-Night Inclusive Package.
Airfare costs me about $3,000.
Which leaves me about $100 in pocket change for whatever. I don't plan on spending it on much more than cab fare and maybe wine on the plane, because this get-away is just going to be me, my thoughts, and a whoooooole lot of pampering!
A very special use of $7,000, yes?

Visualizing Success--however we define it or spell it.

Thinking about Amy's comment this morning, I went looking for some tips online. How can we use this blog to bring success into our lives in areas other than prosperity. Let's me honest, we are all seeing the impact financially, but we might have an area or two where we still want to grow.

I found this,

The starting point of great success in your life begins, in the simplest terms, when you discipline yourself to think and talk about only the things you want and refuse to think and talk about anything you don’t want. The fact is that your mind is so powerful that if you don’t want something, you must absolutely refrain from allowing yourself to think about it when it comes into your mind. You must push it out, knock it aside, get rid of it, and get your mind back on what you want.

One of the best formulas for positive thinking I ever learned was this: No matter what is going on around you, think about your goals. If you have problems with your finances, stop-refuse to dwell upon them-and instead think about your goals. If you are having difficulties with other people, change your mind by switching your thinking off of your problems with them and onto your goals.

I think that we can use this bloggity blog, to dwell upon our goals. We will envision our futures, not our pasts. We will share our goals and dreams, not our fears and pitfalls. I for one will be sharing parts of my romance and buying totally fun, large, expensive, silly things.

Happy Dreams of Prosperity!

I had a dream last night that we were all sleeping in Leah's great big white bed of prosperity. Nothing filthy, just all of us laughing and talking and gradually falling into peaceful slumber. Ahhh.
It made me so happy!
Thanks for sharing your bed, Leah. :-)

$2,000 AGAIN.

It was still hard to spend $2,000, so I'm trying again and I'll keep trying until it flows easily. We'll see how this method works out for me.

Okay, I've never been to Alaska. I've been to almost all of the fifty states, but I've nver been ot Alaska. So, I'm going on this trip and spending all $2,000, which would be easy enough.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Deposit for Tomorrow

I'm just NOT going to have time today to blissfully reflect on spending $3,000. However, I have something very lovely bookmarked for 7K. So I'm going to take today's $3,000 and tomorrow's $4,000 and spend it all tomorrow!

Cause... why not?

I want some totally useless, but very fun things.

First of all, for a mere $17,500 I want a player violin. Yeah, think player piano, but it is a violin. And it is on SALE! You are totally jealous aren't you? You can buy one if you want. A totally awesome dust gathering thingamajiggy.

That is all for now.

(That was fun wasn't it?)

Monday, August 21, 2006

The story starts at the end.

We are sitting on a bench, holding hands. We've been sitting on benches holding hands for years and years. It doesn't matter what city we are sitting in today, there have been plenty of cities. Our children might be in this city, our grandchildren might be in this city.

Or they aren't. Chances are we know someone in the city we are in today, someone said, "Oh, take an afternoon walk and we'll see you for dinner." Really, is there anywhere in the world that you can imagine where we don't know people?

I can't remember the first bench we sat on together, if it was in Chicago or New York or Tel Aviv or Buenos Aires or Dublin or Rome or Moscow. It seems as if you are the only person I ever sat on benches with holding hands. It isn't true, of course, but it seems that way by now.

$2000 of Random

Today I want to buy this nifty Dyson vaccuum, specific to picking up pet hair. And boy do we need it in this house!
I'd also like to buy, um, this. Because it's old and cool!! (and maybe haunted...?)
Then I'm taking the remainder of today's money to jet off to L.A. to visit my friend Tiffany, rent a car,and toodle over to Santa Barbara to visit friend and former co-worker Laura. Any non-transit money will be spent shopping & dining, natch!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I agree, but maybe I'll spend $50K first.

I agree, I'm ready to go back to $1000. But I think, just before I do, I'll spend some serious dough.

First of all, I'm not going to spend my 30th birthday alone in Jerusalem. I think 17 close friends are going with me (bringing the total to 18, the number of life.) Airfare for 18 people to Tel Aviv from Chicago is $21,600.

Then let's say we all stay three nights in J'lem. I'm guessing $150/room/night and I'm going to say 9 nights. We are all friends, we can double up, yo. So that is $4,050 on hotels in J'lem.

And we are all going to do the Masada/Dead Sea day trip. That was $75 and you each need another $100 for ahava products and lunch. That will be $3150.

Now, that doesn't EVEN begin to cover my rockin' Bat Mitzvah party the weekend before we go to J'lem. Now the Bat Mitzvah party will be for 100 of my nearest and dearest. And what are we going to do? Will we go to Rock N Bowl? Will we go to a Roller Rink?

Nope. We are going to have Chicken Pot Pie at Jack's. Yeah, I know. I have a lot of fantasies about taking everyone I know to Jack's for CPP. We'll also make sure there are Veggie Pot Pies and Kosher CPPs available. If memory serves me right, a CPP is $14. Trust me, there is no need for desert or an appetizer. There is need for wine, ice tea and soda. So I'll budget $20/person for drinks. So roughly $3400 for the CPP Bat Mitzvah Blow Out.

Now each of these events will need some decent Tzedaka. Let's give $10,000 at PizzaIDF.org and $10,000 to Mayyim Hayyim in Boston.

That brings me to $52,200. Not bad for 15 minutes of dreaming. Yeah, so Israel and CPP come up a lot for me.


New Strategy

Let's face it--we're all very busy people. Thinking about how to spend $9,000 was giving me a headache. I mean come on, I bought a parrot! It's hard to beat that for creativity!
So I'm setting myself up on a new plan. Sunday - Saturday I will spend in increments. Sunday will always be $1,000 as I begin the week anew, Saturday will always be my day of $7,000 decadence.
Feel free to copy me or not--I just want to see how it feels for a few weeks. :)
Today, I'm buying two different clocks. The owl is definitely going in my living room. The asterik probably in the sunroom. I really wish I had a bigger house to play with, but I haven't the patience to play, as Ashqi brought up, to the point of actually buying a house! Maybe I'll throw some bucks down the road toward 1 month's rent and a security deposit on a two-bedroom apartment for the time being...
Anyway, these bangles (set of six) have been on my list for awhile. Hopefully they'll be off backorder soon.
The remaining $470 is going to the National Zoo for Tiger, Panda, and etc. conservation! (future populations of both tigers and pandas seems like a pretty good gift for myself and everyone else, honestly)

I really struggled to get through $2,000 yesterday, so I'm going to do it again until I flows easier. It's like working the financial kinks out...

Okay, I went to this place last year in the early fall. I had a beautiful lunch on the terrace of sweet potato soup with a dallop of steamed salted cream and cheeses and breads and olives and wine and toasted pecan and balsamic salad. All his while hearing a little waterfall and watching over the railing of the terrace as fish swam in the pond below and a little bit of breeze came. (I'm always so nostalgic for northeastern fall. Ahhh...)

Anyway, I thought it was such a beautiful day that I want to go back for round two. Only, I want to stay for a weekend. In the Spa deluxe Package Both days, I'm going to have two 50-minute spa treatments, luxurious breakfast and lunches in the beautiful dining room, four-course dinner, I'll swim, hang out int he gym and sauna, do a little yoga, write, read and take in the beautiful scenery in my room with a patio. Not too shabby for $1208.

Of course, I'll need to get to Syracuse and back for this, so add another $250 for airfare.

So, with all of that rest, and about $540 to spare, I would like, what else?, shoes. $80 will get things started with these wonders, and for $27.50, these are frankly too cute to pass up. I found this dress in my scouring around, too, that is adorable and I can probably wear it once more before stashing it away for next spring ($320).. and hey, maybe I can wear the funky little yellow shoes with it?

I also, after yesterday's shopping, had to go back to 1928 jewelry for this necklace for $24 and this cute one for $45 (just what I need-- MORE flapper beads!)...

With the $40 or so left, I think a nice lunch for two is in order. Any takers for imaginary lunch? Yes? Anyone? Helllooooo?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

8K and... A Parrot?

This is Krunky:

Isn't he great? I love him! I love him so much I am going to spend $1500 to adopt him with his cage, and another $700 to drive to Boston, spend the night, and bring him home. Plus $500 on books, supplies, and even classes on parrot care. Only the best for Professor Krunky!(which I've decided I will call him)
Also, $500 for a welcome home party. Hey, parrots are very social animals. I also want to make sure the kitties are feeling the love, so bring goodies for them to the party as well. :) And remind them Prof. Krunky is not a snack...
After things calm down upon Prof. Krunky's arrival, I am going to reward myself for being a good & patient animal mommy with this necklace, these earrings, and this ring from Sands of Time. (I would thank you for the link again, Adam, but you're M.I.A.! Boo hoo!)

I say yes and welcome two thousand dollars.

First things first. I taking $679 and buying this postal scale, one of good quality that I can use for years because I have found myself at the post office almost every day with no end is sight and wishing that I could do it all from home. With this, I can log onto the postal service website and print appropriate postage and save myself a lot of trouble. Ahhh....

Okay, now. I have been reading about bamboo a lot lately, as I have begun to worry more about environmental issues with the summer we've had. I found this cool site, and want to try this stuff out. Why not? I like the idea of wearing underwear with this name (see previous page on that site-- they call this underwear "pantyboo"), so I can't pass these by for $36. What the heck? I'll try the jogbra, too for $20. Now, I'm so intrigued that I'm also getting this long-sleeved t-shirt in both pink and blue, for $21 each. this sweater surely needs ot come home with me for $36, and this one is good too, and only $48.

Then, I'll spare everyone the particulars, but I will next be streamlining and upgrading my underwear and bras, spending $500 on news bras and underwear from the La Perla vintage collection. (Not that the "pantyboos" aren't awesome.)

Then, for the wedding I'm attending tomorrow, I think this brown dress will be perfect for $345, especially with these shoes and this adorable beaded clutch for $30. Add these earrings for $18 and while I was shopping, I spotted this gorgeous bracelet for just under $17 for another occasion, as well as this pretty necklace for $35.

And, how perfect for a writer! A typewriter key initial necklace for $45 from the super-cool Uncommon Goods.

The $75 leftover goes to the Street Wise seller guy in my neighborhood. He disppeared for a while, and I'm glad he's back.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Oh Yes, I Can Also Do Some Damage

I decided today I wanted to think about clothes for fall. I went a little crazy. Yes, I work from home, but lately I've been downtown an awful lot. Sooo...
I need a new suit (jacket and pants both, obviously)
I love this coat (fake fur my friends! FAKE!)
This jacket is great & very useful
This jacket is just fun
Nice, practical pants
Nice, practical skirt
Fun skirt, perhaps worn with fun jacket?

And now the shoes!
Both red and black, please
These are fabulous
Very pretty big girl shoes
In a similar but more casual style
Funky, dressy
These rule--I love the wooden heels!
These are just nuts! In the best possible way! (they came in wackier colors, but you may be picking up on the fact my real-life shoe closet is just overflowing with black shoes)

*PHEW!* That was tiring, and incredibly fun! Time to wrap up with some more additions to the new office. Such as this clock, for $350:

And finally, I think I deserve a really nice chair. While I have a fun Ikea chair in real life, it doesn't even compare to this baby. In leather, please! (let's not talk about the hypocrisy expressed by the fact I love leather and will never ever never wear a fur anything)
The math has yet to come out consistent for today's entry, so let's just say it's close to $7,000 & any remaining cash goes to shipping, handling, and a few great martinis.
Edited to add: On paper, I wrote down $1200 for three months with a personal trainer, 2x a week. That's about all I can handle with a personal traniner. I added it into my math on paper but I forgot to put it here!

Still in transition, but feeling really good.

I do. And, after a couple of days of thought, I am going to redo $1,000.

First, I am buying this turntable to listen to my good vinyl on for $89. Then, over to Funky Frum where I'm buying this cute skirt for $62 and this cute top for $42.

Then, I am buying three of these cute pet pillows for my little poop, Chairman Meow.

That's him when he was a tiny baby. Aww... he's a little bigger now, but even cuter. In fact he's such a good boy that I'm also buying this hip cat tree for $294 and this hip carry tote for $75. Aw, little.

The remaining $400+ is going to go to a an animal shelter. So lots of little poops can feel the love.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

New great resource

If you love Moss Online, you'll probably love Better Living Through Design. I'll be spending my $13K with their help a little later.

Prosperity Dreams?

Sorry, but I just can't ignore the obvious symbolism in this dream I had last night.
I was working on a series of self-portrait photographs, and all of them involved me covering up my naughty bits with various pieces of fruit.
Over my womb and breasts.
Hi Freud!

Also, if you have a fancy enough sitemeter to track specific IP addreses, esp Leah and Amy, I'm not stalking you or this site, I swear. My browser is acting buggy and will keep flipping back and forth of its own accord between pages I've visited. I love you all, but not THAT much. :)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

6K for the Office

Now I'm on a spree to spruce up the home office. I'm upgrading bigtime with this "office armoir" from Restoration hardware. The shipping & handling is a hefty 10% of the merchandise cost, which leaves me just enough, I think, to also purchase this lamp with the shade in silver sage.
Huh, that went pretty quick.
I think I'll do some more itemized stuff tomorrow!

Oh the damage I can do with $12,000

Since you all have pointed out that I keep going to Argentina, Antarctica, and Israel, I'm going to add some other travels to my list. And, what the hell, I'm taking luxury trips.

Southern Italy and Sicily. I'll find me a Corleone yet... a nice Jewish Corleonestein. $2895.00

Naturally New Zealand where I will discover if Hobbits are real. $4225.00

Then I'll zip up to China and Japan for an Asian Sampler. Only $4045.00

With the last $835.00, I'll buy some new tennis shoes, extra gigs of storage for my digi camera, and some travel sized toiletries.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

5K. Done and Done.

I need a nice set of pearls. A set I could someday pass on to my daughter. Or cousin once removed. Or friend's daughter. Whatever.
I've had this 16" strand with white gold clasp bookmarked for awhile. $4,700 from...you guessed it, Tiffany & Co.

The remaining $300 I hope Amy will take and in turn help me organize my home office/work area. I particularly need help printing and organizing my electronic files. What do you say, Amy? Perhaps tomorrow I'll look at Office Max or even...shudder...The Container Store and find some nice filing systems for us to play with!

Quick, I have $11,000!

I have $11,000 and like five minutes to spend it in. Quick, what should I buy? After flipping through Dondi's copy of Apartment Therapy last night, I'm getting some ideas. But I'll let those marinate for a few more days.

In the meantime, I'm going to Antarctica. Seriously, me, some scientists, some penguins, some whales, and some ice.

Update: Yes, this is my second trip to Antarctica this year.

Monday, August 14, 2006

I'm Taking My $4000 and Running Away From Home

At least for a few days.
I'm renting a Chrysler Sebring Convertible from Avis @ about $610 for one week.

I don't know where I'm going--I just want to get in that pretty little car and drive.
I'll stop probably to stay with friends, and possibly at motels along the way. I'm budgeting $1000 for necessities and souvenirs from God knows where.
I will be travelling in style with this bracelet and this hat (it ties, so it hopefully won't fly off when the top's down!).
I will be looking and feeling so fabulous. I shall come back exhausted and full of tales, I promise.

$1000 to a warmer me

As the summer heat is starting to wind down, I am definitely ready for a new season of clothes and shoes and bags. It seems for the past few years there has been two things that I haven't been able to find: a nice winter coat and a pair of practical (yet sexy) boots. So that is what I will be spending my first $1000 on.

The first item I am buying tonight is this beautiful coat. It has such nice lines and is incredibly warm. Only $500.

The second item I am buying are these knee boots. They are really nice! Only $200.

And that leaves me a little money to buy some shoes that I can use in my wardrobe now. Like these cute pumps. Only $70.

Still enough to buy a new bag that is cool and will hold my laptop. Only $230.

Third thousand is a charm.

Ah, clothes today. I need them. I need to put a "prosperous literary figure" image out there in the world.

I love this outfit. I'm buying every piece of it for $816, but getting this non-leather bag for $105 and these non-leather boots, for $40 alternatively.

Next, non-glamourous, but necessary, I am paying all my utilities for $200 and my parking ticket for $30, to get them off my mind.

Now, I need a new desk. this one is nice and only $300!

I need some sun today, so I feel like devoting the second half of my money today to a quick trip to Mexico and back. Ahhh. I'm going to park my ass on the beach for a day or two and do some yoga and read and that's it.

Man, up to $10,000 already?

As all Mondays do, this one is slipping away from me quickly. First off, I would like to get my ass on a plane tonight and go to Israel. I want to be able to sit shiva with someone who feels like family, but who I've never met. David Grossman's 20 year old son died in battle. David is an Israeli writer I adore and his son is someone I feel like I know through the books. An emergency flight to Israel is $2000. Plus seven nights in a decent hotel with breakfast, another $1000.

While I'm gone, I would like to have the other $7000 go towards totally pimping out my bathroom. I want steam showers, italian tile, heat lamps, claw footed tub, towels from the hotel I stayed at in Jerusalem. Ah, egyptian cotton.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

3K Feeds My Creativity Some More

Alrighty, I am on a total creative bender and in addition to my artist's retreat, I want to set myself up with a nice easel, a nice drawing set, and some paints.
Also, I work so well with great music in the background, so I'm upgrading to this sweet stereo.
And heck, let's get creative with my hair, too. I finally want to blow some big money on a professional cut AND color (I've been coloring my own hair for so long, I'd really like to see the difference when someone else does it) at Thomas West Salon.
Unrelated--I have been reading The Lost City of The Incas this weekend because I am a huge nerd and I learned that alpacas produce wool that is hypoallergenic. I am terribly allergic to sheep's wool (no, I don't mean it makes me itchie, I am talking hives taking over my body allergic) so I have been investigating this non-sheep's-wool option. I will take this lovely sweater (in beige) and this lovely shawl for fall/winter.
The remaining loose change will be for paper & whatnot to go on that lovely new easel!

Is it $7K today? Or maybe $8K?

Oh my god, I have $9000 in the bank today. Holy shit! Man, oh man. What will I get today? I'm going to repeat some wishes, because honestly, there are a few things I really really want.

First on that list is to be just like Carrie Bradshaw. I have a great gaggle of girlfriends, but I need a laptop that has a battery. And a full keyboard. And built in wireless. And plays music and videos. And and and... doesn't crash. It might mean, I'm ready to try an Mac. Yeah, after over ten years as a dedicated PC person. I might be willing to try one of those strange, strange beasts that my artsy friends love so much. Considering the basics for this one is $2499, I'm going to budget $3,000 for it.

Something that I'm missing from my daydream scenarios is the perfect small writing nook. This is the place where I write with a pen and paper in the morning. Not my computer desk, but a writing desk. For this I'm gonna have to go to Levengers--a store for readers and writers. I'll grab the Saratoga Desk for just under $500.

I also need some storage help. God, I need storage help. As much as I only ever really want more bookshelves, I need help in my closets. This set up from the container store is $1,122. And another one for the coat closet is only $230. Really, that's all? Amy--you want to take care of this for me?

Okay, so I still have $4000 to spend. It's gonna have to be on a couch. Which might very well be from Restoration Hardware, except I can't get the damn page to load properly. But I'm going to budget it there. Something long enough to sleep on, cat hair repellent, red wine repellent, and make-out friendly.

Four Thousand Wardrobe

Four thousand dollars for Fall clothes. I'm going to J. Crew to start. http://www.jcrew.com/catalog/product.jhtml?id=prod77974501&catId=cat106094




Help help I lost my directions to insert words for the URL connections.


I want an outfit for my reading tonight that'll make me feel foxy, smart, hip and fun.

Skirt first for $210. Then, this cute t-shirt for $28. Vintage school marm meets rawker chick. Yes.

I'd like to go to Nookie's for their mixed greens-apples-gorgonzola-toasted pecan-balsamic salad for an early dinner, so I'll devote $15 for my salad and a cup of tea and tip.

Now, I'm buying ten bamboo blinds to cover every window in my house. I like having natural materials around me, and I think a houseful of these will really look nice. While I'm decorating, I think this end table is nice for $125, replacing the one I currently have, which will go to The Ark resale shop.

I think Restoration Hardware makes really nice towels. So, how about four bathsheets and four handtowels for $250? Yes, please. I'd like this great shower curtain in white, too, for $79. And, also, for $233, a satin nickel shower curtain rod, to raise it up and to make it look more chic.

Then, last night, I saw a lovely play, and it was my first time to visit The Victory Gardens Theater, so I'd like to donate $200 to them to use for future productions.

With the $540 leftover, I want to bring a Feng Shui expert in and have him/her give my place a once-over, then I want a pre-reading massage. Good. Yes.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

(Collage update)

Sooo, I know this is about the experiment and not about the collages, per se, but I was reviewing mine today and have the following to report:

1. I put a pic of Strand Bookstore in NYC on my collage because it's one of my all-time favorite bookstores. At my reading on Wednesday night, a Strand employee was i the audience and we chatted afterwards and she promised to put in a good word for me with the woman who books authors. ;-)

2. I put Portland, OR on my collage and my publisher contacted me yesterday about doing a week-long stint in Portland and Eugene.

3. In my pic of Tokyo, there is a tiny sign with the word "Angel" on it. I met a cool lady named Angel at my reading on Wednesday.


Anybody else notice anything funky?

Retreat! Or, 2K

I'm going on an artist's retreat! Hooray! I'm going to stay in the "Octogando" for two weeks. Add airfare, plus about $200 for groceries, and $150 for any kind of creative supplies I want to bring of my own. Oh, I am as excited about this prospect as if I were going in real life!
Speaking of real life, I'm supposed to take a friend out to dinner for her birthday this week since I missed her party due to my toe excision. I'd like to actually blow $200 of blog money so I could take her out for something really nice. Probably involving seafood, since she's my only seafood-loving friend AND the girl can crack crab legs like no one I've ever seen.
I...ahem...want an XBox 360. Now I'm REALLY going to have to get that mini fridge for the living room. :) The remainder of today's money will be spent on videogames...consequently increasing my datability quotient by roughly 10-fold. Heh.

I think I'll hit the road for $8000

Today I have $8000 and I think I'll take it to Israel for a month of intense Hebrew. A flight on El Al is $1700--a little more expensive than other carriers, but safer than safe.

Once there, I'll need 4 hours of hebrew lessons for 4 days a week. Then the other three I'll be traveling around my safe-again country. It is pretty hard to get a good estimate on the lessons. But my private lessons are $40/hour here. I'm going to say it costs $640/week for Hebrew and I'm going to do it for a month. $2560.

I'm also going to stay in a decent hotel. Let's be honest, that is about $100/night. So that is another $2800 on room. That leaves me $2640 to spend on weekend travel and food. Given that a wonderful lunch can be had for just a few sheckles, I think I'll be fine.

Ah... a month based in Jerusalem, studying Hebrew, traveling around Israel on three day weekends. Priceless.

Starting over.

(Diane, I had the same thought. I'm going to $1,000, too. I am stuck otherwise.)

I'd like to repaint my place. I used to paint for a living, once upon a time, so no need to hire anyone. I need six gallons of good paint, a paint tray, a roller handle, a roller, a handle entension, a good-quality slanted brush and a sponge sander.

Then, I am heading to my beloved Container Store for two sets of bamboo boxes to hold all of my fabric, so I can stack it and make it look neater on my shelf.

Then, $300 in supplies to make pretty spa-shelf radiator covers like this. I feel crafty today.

While at the hardward store, I will also devote about $40 to woodwork trim because my bathroom could use a little sprucing up and there is pretty trim everywhere in my place, but none in the bathroom for some reason.

$150 is going to replace the pair of prescription sunglasses I lost a few weeks ago.

Then, this cooler and the adapter below seem like a perfect booktourin' companion. Speaking of booktourin'... I want to spend the remaining $116 at Mac Cosmetics, so i can have doubles of everything and just my makeup bag packed instead of dumping everything between my makeup drawer and my overnight bag when I travel. It's such a little thing, but for some reason, I think this one thing would make my life a lot easier.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Maxed Out Again at 14K

Apparently, 14K is about as far as my imagination goes--this is exactly the point last time that I couldn't go any further.
But I'm enjoying this, especially with such a fun group, so I'm going to take it back down to $1000 and start again. :)
For the little furballs

A self cleaning litter box (plus refill liners), an automatic feeder for when Mommy goes to bed without remembering to feed the furballs, and a drinking fountain, since Beatrice hasn't figured out to go lick the faucets like her sister does and cries when the water is stale.
They will be sooo grateful, don't you think? (yeah right!)
When I was younger, I had a pretty gold wishbone necklace that my mom gave me. I lost it somewhere in all the moves, so I'd like to replace it with this one in white gold.
Last but most certainly not least, a little unwind at Spa Space--specifically the Transcendental Time Off. The remaining $50 or so will be spent on merchandise and some nummy spa cuisine.
Isn't the Skymall Catalogue absurdly fun??

$7,000 on something totally fantastic!

I've been talking about boys a lot lately. Since this blog is about fantasy and prosperity, I'd like to spend todays entirely on wedding flowers. I'll go ahead and pre-pay the florist. That way I know she'll have just the right flowers on the special day--whether it is in two weeks or two years.

Yeah. I know. $7,000 is a TON to spend of flowers, but it is my fantasy wedding to my fantasy fiance. And there is a chuppah to decorate and about seven or twelve bridesmaids to outfit. Chairs need flowers, table tops, men with lapels.

Everyone will wear a flower or two. And it will be exactly $7,000.

Wait! There's more!

I'm about to get a little personal. Bear with me.

I'm Googling "scarcity thinking" and reading a lot of good stuff. I think I am having a breakhrough of some kind today! It makes total sense to have a scarcity thinking issue when I think about the way money was demonstrated and used around me when I was a kid. First we didn't have much of it, then when we did, it was totally a fear-culture of not having enough, fueled by depression-era grandparents and their forced scarcity thinking due to painful circumstances of the times.

So, how could it not translate to my life? Hello? Clue phone, it's for Amy.

Why do I save some clothes for special occasions and resist the impulse to wear them regularaly? Because, maybe, deep down, I didn't fully trust the universe (or myself) that I'll be able to replace them, should they get damaged...?

Why do I feel terrible and get the blues when life happens and I have to spend on something unexpected (like car repairs)? Because maybe I never trusted myself to take care of difficult situations...?

Have I treated abundance like hunting or farming?

I just read this, too and wanted to share it. I loved his "What entices 'bears' to come eat my abundance?" idea, and i liked the questions at the end a lot, too. Once I think about it that way, a have a few "Abundance Sabboteurs" (haha, we could call them "ASses"...?) in my peripheral areas of life. Also, I want to try to spend today (at least) focusing only on what I DO HAVE and things I CAN DO NOW. I'll report my findings a little later.

See what I mean? And now, today feels significant, like the first day of something new. A new experiment, or maybe a new level to an existing one, if you will.

Okay, today I'm going, as I said, to focus on things I do have and creating a phyical manifestation of abundance thinking and will return to details later. I think just the fact that I feel a little vulnerable by even writing all of this tips me off that I need to pay attention and follow this idea a little. Or maybe a lot.

Just read this online and wanted to share.

(By Alicia Forest)

Right now, decide to live life with abundance thinking and action. Complete the following exercises and watch abundance flow your way:

1. What is one action you could take to move from scarcity thinking to abundance thinking?

2. Do you need a physical reminder to change your thinking? A rubber band on your wrist that you snap each time you find yourself falling into scarcity thinking can do wonders in a very short amount of time!

3. Repeat every morning and every night – with feeling!: I embrace abundance and abundance embraces me.

Do you feel a shift in your thinking already? Good! Now, is there something - money, blood, time, clothing - that you could give to the relief effort that may feel uncomfortable as you make this shift in thinking but you know would feel great once you did so? Commit today to one thing and just do it. I promise that it will come back to you in ways you can't even imagine.

(me again)

I like the idea of having a physical reminder of abundance thinking, but I'm not crazy about something punishing like a wrist rubberband. What about something positive like personal totems or mini-abundance shrines or something. I read this and felt my pulse react, so I must need to take it to heart. I'll start the brainstorm for my reminders now.

Also, I was thinking today was a little abundance Feng Shui would do me some good, too.


Prosperity has been up for me in a big way the last few days. I was thinking all along about not having an imaginary savings account on here, that maybe it would cause stagnation, and so I release today's 14k with the $15,500 and throw it all out into the world.

$29,500. Here we go! Whoosh!

A couple of years ago, I went to a family wedding Cap Juluca Resport in Anguilla, which is in the British West Indies, about an hour by boat east from St. Maarten. It's unblemished by tourism like St. Maarten is, so it is all about relaxing, water, sand, good food, good drinking (They lavish this delicious mango-rum lemonade on you. It's outrageously good.) and good views.

Anyway, I have almost $30 grand to release into the world to kickstart the flow of abundance and absence of stagnation. So, we're going. All of us here. We're flying to Miami, then to Puerto Rico, then St. Maarten, then we open-bus-taxi over to the port and catch a water-taxi for an hour and arrive in the open adobe hut immigration building. Then, Cap Juluca has sent cars for us, so we ride over together, chatting and giggling happily because all of our troubles are far away from us.

I stayed in a little suite like this, which is perfect because they open right onto the beach. So, we'll get a few of those and all check in, get settled, change into swimwear, and, laughing our heads off, roar back at the ocean as loudly as we can as we run right at and into the water.

We'll spend the next few days dining, sipping, sunworshipping, swimming, hanging out, having spa time, eating, beach yoga-ing, adventuring and just enjoying being smack in the middle of nowhere.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Nein! I mean...nine.

. Funny how some things are passed down. My parents have always wanted to spring for an Agam. I think they impressed it upon me. This one... $8500

. And just to make my apartment a little more badass. $500'

Hope everyone has a great weekend, I am off to lovely upstate NY...

A day late, but not $6K short.

I didn't have time yesterday to spend my $6000 and don't really have time today. Since I can't properly spend it on moi, I want to make a pledge I wasn't able to last night.

It might be Imaginary Money, but it is going to a good cause. Today's I'm going to support Friends of the IDF. $6000 does a ton to support the Israeli soldiers who are busy protecting our land, our brothers & sisters, and who need some TLC.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I Shall Now Manipulate the Force

Pretty cool use of $13,000 huh? Who knew the force could be bought!
Okay, really, I've been thinking about prosperity and fortune a lot the last few days. And while I really really really do appreciate the professional and monetary success I've received lately (thanks higher power!), it is not where my positive energy needs to be focused right now.
Without getting too specific, there is a far away fella with whom I am going to need some resolution. I've come to peace with the fact it won't be happening soon. But it does need to happen.
SO! I have planned a very nice week's vacation in New Zealand with my $13,000 for us to sort out our issues. :) We'll be staying at the Puka Park Resort. Go ahead, say it three times fast. It's fun!
We'll also be going to a three day surfing camp, and I'll buy us both wetsuits (although I think he has one already) and surf boards.
I think we'll take kayaking lessons too.
And there will be at least one really fabulous dinner. I couldn't find a restaurant that met my criteria for nicey-nice, but I'm sure the New Zealand tourist board can help me. Or perhaps the Puka Park concierge. Regardless, I'll be wearing this pretty dress and carrying this handbag (in black of course).
That's a good chunk of money right there, so I'm putting the remainder toward shopping, entertainment, dining, and the multiple bottles of champagne. Cheers to sorting out the past, present and future!

Found My Condo

Okay, today is $3,000 in the bank for me. How that relates to finding my new condo on the Lake, I'm not sure. But for a mere $235,000 I get my Condo on the Lake. It is located at 7625 N. Eastlake Terrace, #405 and for a mere $30,000, I get deeded, heated parking! It has decks overlooking the lake. So perhaps with the $3,000 I could save for the downpayment... Actually, everyday from here on out I could accumulate the money to buy it outright. Hey, I like that. No mortgage. It will just be mine. Let me figure out how many days that will take. Hmmm... somehow it feels like maybe I'm not playing the game properly if I do this. What do you guys think? Does anyone remember the math equation to figure out how many days it will take me to accumulate $265,000 in the incremental way we are doing it? This condo is what I have been searching for for years!! I got the email today from Koenig & Strey that it is available for immediate move-in, owner relocating. You feedback is welcome. Cheers! XOXO

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lucky Number 13 is Coming!

I have something very special planned for 13K. I've been thinking it over carefully, and it address something specific I want fortune around.
Give me a day or so. I need to find all the pieces online.
(ooo! what could it be?)

Okay Adonai, I guess you're listening.

A couple posts ago I asked to find someone to design my website.


I also asked for someone to help me with my book and in the last 24 hours, two paths appeared. Neither cancels the other out, but one is authors helping authors. Actually, both are authors helping authors.

Thanks God!

13,000 is an awful lot of dough.

I have $10,500 in my fake-money saving account, so let's add another $5,000 to bring it up to $15,500.

Then, let's pay the final bit off on my Visa for $435, to make me entirely debt-free.

Then, I'm designating $3,000 of today's money to go for a Guerrilla Gardening project. We'll hit the gardening place, stock on soil and plants and shovels and gloves and hit the streets and frantically jump from transformation to transformation. The sun will rise on a prettier town! Yeah! Gardening is punk rawk when you garden guerrilla-style! After sneaking around the city gardening at a frantic pace all night, we're all going to need some breakfast, so let's take, say, $150 for all of us and hit a diner at sunrise.

Next, my coffee maker is on the fritz, so I might as well replace it with one I'm going to love for a long time. This one makes me extremely happy and will make me happy for years to come so, $1,500 goes there. And, while my dishes are wonderful, and I love my cups, there is something really fantastic about this cup and saucer set, so I'll have a set of four for $24.

So, call it wishful thinking, but I swear I saw a few yellow leaves this week, so I'm psyched to do some fall shopping. I'll start with this cute coat for $280.49 and back to my beloved Anthropologie for this top for $148, this happy sweater for $98, This very cute sweater for $158, these pants for $68.

Then, $80 on this cool green yoga mat. And, I would like to devote $300 to adding to my back tattoo project.

Then, with the just-under two grand left, I have this friend who works her ass off as a chef and is working her way through a really great culinary school. She's hard-working by nature, but I would like to spend the rest to surprise her with a "thanks-for-being-such-a-good-friend" weekend and go hang out in Montreal and stay in a nice hotel and eat a lot of delicious food and drink a lot of wine and have a few laughs and just chill together. Ohm.........

Behind Door Number $5000

Yesterday in my real life (not the experimental blog one) I got my eyebrows done and a pedicure. Then I went to Marshall Field's and bought all new bedding. Ralph Lauren Sheets, a Goose Down Duvet, Egyptian Cotton Duvet Cover. After all, it is a bed entirely clad in white that shows up when I daydream and when I was collaging. Tonight I will sleep in it. Ahhh.

So now what should I do with the $5,000 I have in my bank account? I think I need to go on a solitary writer's vacation. Somewhere that I can drink too much coffee. Ssomewhat speak the language, but still enjoy the silence that comes with not being fluent. I think I need two weeks back in Argentina. I know I bought an Argentina trip last time, but apparently I love Argentina.

Using that magical "Orbitz" site that Adam mentioned when he planned his shtetle search to Russia, it looks like flight and hotel will cost $2,650. And I'll stay at the CE Design because THIS is the view and um, yet another version of my dream bed.

With my balance, I will need to eat, dance, tip, pay for taxis, buy new shoes, eat, drink coffee, buy extra pens, and maybe take a day trip to Mar del Plata.

Ah. Writing and dancing and drinking coffee in Buenos Aires. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?

Bed of My Dreams!

I don't have the time or patience to take the $1000 experiment all the way past $1 million, but if I did I would buy the floating bed.

I'll Take Mexican Yoga for $2,000

Thank you all for being here. I love the fun we're all having. :-) For $2,060 there is a wonderful group trip with Suddha Weixler to Mexico doing YOGA. Yeah, I know I'm spending all my dollars in the beginning here on Yoga classes and travel, but that is because I love yoga and all the wonderful things it does for my body/mind and soul!@ Soon I'll be spending more money on new clothes and jewels. But for now, I'm hanging out in Mexico with my fellow yogis and Suddha, enjoying fresh squeezed juices, fruits and salads.... WITH AN OCEAN BREEZE AND VIEW for only $2060. Cheers and thanks a bunch for reading. Here is the link... http://www.yogamind.com/workshop-mexico.shtml 1000 Dollar Experiment

Monday, August 07, 2006

Ocho is Great

Well, this time I have no legitimate excuse for my couple of days worth of slacking on this. So for no real reason, I am going to say it is because a dog ate my laptop. Ok? Great. $8000 here we go:

. I kind of want to have a badass bike so I can bike to classes in the Fall. This one will do (as an aside, I can't figure out how to put html in these things anymore. Sorry, bare with me and just copy and paste the links). http://knightbikes.com/itemdetails.cfm?catalogId=39&id=891 $1600.00

. Umm, let's throw in about $1000 for inevitable medical expenses that will come out of said new bike.

. For my newly created (previously dining room) home office http://www.crateandbarrel.com/family.aspx?c=1070&f=12304&viewall=1 $2200

. Kind of scary times to walk around kippah-clad. I think some Krav Maga classes are in order. A year to really master it: $500

. I like trees. $2700 for lots and lots of trees in the Negev. http://www.jnf.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Garden

I'll take four, four, four for my baby.

Today I have $4000 in my bank account to spend. Huzzah! I hope to lift my Monday blues with a little shopping spree.

First, I need to be waxed, painted, cuticles arranged, massaged, and um... generally pampered. I'm going to budget $500 for that. Yeah, $500 worth of pampering.

Second, my wardrobe needs to be kicked up a notch. That means I need to get to Vive La Femme for a makeover. This Anna Shulz skirt for starters. Maybe this shirt and why not lots of jeans? Knowing what Stephanie is capable of getting me to spend, I'm going to make her her week and budget $3000. Yes, $3000 on designer plus size clothes.

That leaves $500. I'm going to finally get some sort of iPod with some kick ass accesories. For that I'll be studying over at Church of the iPod this afternoon. Don't tell my Rabbi.

1000 Dollar Experiment

In the Beginning there was 1,000 in the bank. So I am starting again at the beginning. The first thing on my list this time is one year of classes at Moksha Yoga Studio ($999) www.mokshayoga.com so I can take class with my favorite yoga instructor www.aurodreamyoga.com Did I mention him to you ladies? If not, you must check him out. Michael McEvoy. He's more than an exercise instructor. In fact, he may really be enlightened! This guy knows his stuff, is intuitive and really cares about people. You can just tell that he'd really enjoy the whole world being enlightened, not just himself. He gives it away. May G-d bless him. XoXO 1000 Dollar Experiment

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Three Thousand, Three Thousand

First I need to take care of my obligations to my shul, to the JUF, and to ARZA. That will be $1061 between the three of them.

I'm going to head right over to MossOnline for a cool decanter. For no other reason than it is funky and interesting. I need more of that in my life.
That is a mere $1400 and then I'm going to need a few matching tumblers. I can get 3, that's fine. I can always say I gave away the fourth.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

12 thou'

I thought about making the 12K entry something really cool related to "a year of ____!" but frankly, I'm just not feeling that productive.
So. I need a dress to wear to toast with Amy & the other bloggers! How about this crazy number? (I will also take the sandals they recommend--I am just not hip enough to figure out the right shoes to wear with a dress like that)
Oops, also found this dress for the fall and these fantabulous boots to go with it. (I CAN pair shoes with a dress when it's simple)
Not as much fun, but another something I've wanted for awhile. Just call me Howard Hughes.
Finally, these bottles from Moss were too pretty to just link to:

I do believe I've just spruced this place up a bit. :)
The bottles came in at $7,380, so the remainder of today's spending will most definitely need to be put toward shipping & handling.