I agree, but maybe I'll spend $50K first.
I agree, I'm ready to go back to $1000. But I think, just before I do, I'll spend some serious dough.
First of all, I'm not going to spend my 30th birthday alone in Jerusalem. I think 17 close friends are going with me (bringing the total to 18, the number of life.) Airfare for 18 people to Tel Aviv from Chicago is $21,600.
Then let's say we all stay three nights in J'lem. I'm guessing $150/room/night and I'm going to say 9 nights. We are all friends, we can double up, yo. So that is $4,050 on hotels in J'lem.
And we are all going to do the Masada/Dead Sea day trip. That was $75 and you each need another $100 for ahava products and lunch. That will be $3150.
Now, that doesn't EVEN begin to cover my rockin' Bat Mitzvah party the weekend before we go to J'lem. Now the Bat Mitzvah party will be for 100 of my nearest and dearest. And what are we going to do? Will we go to Rock N Bowl? Will we go to a Roller Rink?
Nope. We are going to have Chicken Pot Pie at Jack's. Yeah, I know. I have a lot of fantasies about taking everyone I know to Jack's for CPP. We'll also make sure there are Veggie Pot Pies and Kosher CPPs available. If memory serves me right, a CPP is $14. Trust me, there is no need for desert or an appetizer. There is need for wine, ice tea and soda. So I'll budget $20/person for drinks. So roughly $3400 for the CPP Bat Mitzvah Blow Out.
Now each of these events will need some decent Tzedaka. Let's give $10,000 at PizzaIDF.org and $10,000 to Mayyim Hayyim in Boston.
That brings me to $52,200. Not bad for 15 minutes of dreaming. Yeah, so Israel and CPP come up a lot for me.
A chicken pot pie party sounds like the best kind of party to me!! :)
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