1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Until I figure out a better idea...

I might combine prosperity and fiancial posts, I might do two a day. Whatevs. I wanted to write out some goals and ideas and thoughts and put them out there into the universe and see how it goes. Perhps once a week. I'm also making a point of putting them in action-y language instead of far-off "someday" language.

1. I am going to schlepp around Europe all alone and write and take it all in.
2. I am going to enjoy the success-path my book takes me on and say yes to adventures and detours along the way.
3. I am moving my office into the feng shui prosperity corner of my living room today (as we speak, actually) and be open to it working.
4. I am transforming the walk-in closet off my living room that has been my office into an all-out girly walk-in closet with room for nice things to wear.
5. I am going to reward myself with a new desk and office chair.
6. I am finally going to buy a kitchen table.
7. I am going to be more assertive about refusing to participate in mean gossip (No more listening and not commenting! I will say clearly that I don't gossip and end the conversation.) and staying away from drama-maker people.
8. I am going to counter feelings of self-doubt with a hokey positive affirmation that begins with "You are worthy of..."
9. I am going to be a better cat mom.
10. I am going to include more natural elements in my apartment to make it feel more restful and spa-like.
11. I am going to make more time to do yoga and run.

I really like this blog being about goals and prosperity, too. It's like having an accountability council, which I've always thought would be helpful and positive. ;-)


Blogger Leah in Chicago said...

There are a few things on your list that I want too! Namely 5,6, and 7.

We will totally support you on this journey--as long as you send postcards from Europe and American Truck Stops.

10:31 AM  
Blogger wafelenbak said...

I am going with 7,8,9 & 11. :)

In the interest of being a better cat mommy, I'd be happy to loan you my book on cat massage. I wanted to reward Bastet one weekend for being a good little kitty and not talking while I was on the phone all week (which she is prone to do) & she loooooooves getting kitty massages, especially on her little neck & shoulders!

10:41 AM  
Blogger Amy Guth said...

Thank you both for the support!

Diane, I'd love to borrow your cat massage book. I was just thinking of that the other day. I have heard about kitty massage, and was surprised he let me rub his little pawsth the other night.

1:09 PM  

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