1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Visualizing Success--however we define it or spell it.

Thinking about Amy's comment this morning, I went looking for some tips online. How can we use this blog to bring success into our lives in areas other than prosperity. Let's me honest, we are all seeing the impact financially, but we might have an area or two where we still want to grow.

I found this,

The starting point of great success in your life begins, in the simplest terms, when you discipline yourself to think and talk about only the things you want and refuse to think and talk about anything you don’t want. The fact is that your mind is so powerful that if you don’t want something, you must absolutely refrain from allowing yourself to think about it when it comes into your mind. You must push it out, knock it aside, get rid of it, and get your mind back on what you want.

One of the best formulas for positive thinking I ever learned was this: No matter what is going on around you, think about your goals. If you have problems with your finances, stop-refuse to dwell upon them-and instead think about your goals. If you are having difficulties with other people, change your mind by switching your thinking off of your problems with them and onto your goals.

I think that we can use this bloggity blog, to dwell upon our goals. We will envision our futures, not our pasts. We will share our goals and dreams, not our fears and pitfalls. I for one will be sharing parts of my romance and buying totally fun, large, expensive, silly things.


Blogger wafelenbak said...

Leah--I love it. I am going to add my 7K spending today and switch my style soon after. I really like the idea of morphing this blog into a prosperity blog, as well, and keeping the 1000 experiment piece as we see fit. :)

12:16 PM  
Blogger Leah in Chicago said...


Definitely click through and read the entire article, there is some good stuff in there about the mind's eye, repetition, feelings...

This is going to be FUN!

12:41 PM  
Blogger Amy Guth said...

Awesome. I'm in.

9:25 AM  

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