1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Three again.

Remember, I'm going to repeat amounts until it flowwwwwwwws. Three did not flow so we meet again.

To begin, I found this after checking out Diane's posting yesterday. I love this. And, while I'm there, this is pretty badass, especially for all the travel I'm going to be doing in the next few months. Oh, and this, too because I hate to iron. Big time.

Now, with the remaining $2,700 or so, I'm going to Alsace-Moselle, France to connect with cousins and sit my ass in the Bureau of Vitals, do some research and figure out some gaps in my family tree.


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