1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

It is all energy, every last bit.

I am in total awe of Diane and Amy's goal setting capabilities and will likely follow suit. Maybe in this post, we'll see how it works.

First I want to address that it is all energy. The things we own, the money we use, the thoughts we think, the prayers we give. All different forms of energy. Today (and last week) I've been releasing some material energy into the world. Last week it was an old set of stemware from when I lived in Colorado. How all 12 pieces survived so many moves, I'll never know, but I put 4 martini glasses, four champagne flutes, and 4 margarita glasses into the alley along with my George Forman and an old toaster.

Today I followed up with some fun purses that I no longer use. There are plenty of girls and women in my neighborhood who might use a purse with a cowgirl on it, but I'm no longer that girl. And my olive oil perpetual calendar and the strange wine bottlle holder thing.

All into the free market economy of Chicago Alleys. Know what? It feels good, I want to release more things. I also put some more boxes into storage. Things I simply don't need access to (and honestly probably don't need period, but can't quite go that far.

So I'm organizing my energy and letting it flow again. Can I set a few goals now? Let's see.

  1. Finish my 40 days of saying the shema.
  2. Let my inner self find a form of exercise and a way of eating that is healthful and joyful and fun.
  3. A llow myself to wake up earlier and write morning pages or dream journals.
  4. Do the final finance clean-up post-refinance of mortgage and consolidate my debt.
  5. Welcome a writing coach into my life and edit my book with ease and joy.
  6. Write more of my romance.
  7. Accept and joyfully say yes to whatever God puts in front of me.
  8. Reframe situations for myself, so that I embrace the good and release the bad.
  9. Continue thinking about future and current positives without worry or concern for challenges. God will take care of it as long as I don't send mixed signals.
  10. Shower love on Spidey so he always knows I'll be back home.
  11. Let other people keep their own "shit" and recognize that it has NOTHING to do with me.
How's that for starters? And of course, the desk. I'm allowing myself to purchase the desk from Levenger's tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hip hip hoooooray for the desk!
Be sure to next post a picture of "Self Portait, Leah and Desk." :-)

8:43 PM  

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