1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

13,000 is an awful lot of dough.

I have $10,500 in my fake-money saving account, so let's add another $5,000 to bring it up to $15,500.

Then, let's pay the final bit off on my Visa for $435, to make me entirely debt-free.

Then, I'm designating $3,000 of today's money to go for a Guerrilla Gardening project. We'll hit the gardening place, stock on soil and plants and shovels and gloves and hit the streets and frantically jump from transformation to transformation. The sun will rise on a prettier town! Yeah! Gardening is punk rawk when you garden guerrilla-style! After sneaking around the city gardening at a frantic pace all night, we're all going to need some breakfast, so let's take, say, $150 for all of us and hit a diner at sunrise.

Next, my coffee maker is on the fritz, so I might as well replace it with one I'm going to love for a long time. This one makes me extremely happy and will make me happy for years to come so, $1,500 goes there. And, while my dishes are wonderful, and I love my cups, there is something really fantastic about this cup and saucer set, so I'll have a set of four for $24.

So, call it wishful thinking, but I swear I saw a few yellow leaves this week, so I'm psyched to do some fall shopping. I'll start with this cute coat for $280.49 and back to my beloved Anthropologie for this top for $148, this happy sweater for $98, This very cute sweater for $158, these pants for $68.

Then, $80 on this cool green yoga mat. And, I would like to devote $300 to adding to my back tattoo project.

Then, with the just-under two grand left, I have this friend who works her ass off as a chef and is working her way through a really great culinary school. She's hard-working by nature, but I would like to spend the rest to surprise her with a "thanks-for-being-such-a-good-friend" weekend and go hang out in Montreal and stay in a nice hotel and eat a lot of delicious food and drink a lot of wine and have a few laughs and just chill together. Ohm.........


Blogger Unknown said...

Can we also do a Gorilla Gardening project?

Yes. I am weird.

5:27 PM  

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