1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

3K Feeds My Creativity Some More

Alrighty, I am on a total creative bender and in addition to my artist's retreat, I want to set myself up with a nice easel, a nice drawing set, and some paints.
Also, I work so well with great music in the background, so I'm upgrading to this sweet stereo.
And heck, let's get creative with my hair, too. I finally want to blow some big money on a professional cut AND color (I've been coloring my own hair for so long, I'd really like to see the difference when someone else does it) at Thomas West Salon.
Unrelated--I have been reading The Lost City of The Incas this weekend because I am a huge nerd and I learned that alpacas produce wool that is hypoallergenic. I am terribly allergic to sheep's wool (no, I don't mean it makes me itchie, I am talking hives taking over my body allergic) so I have been investigating this non-sheep's-wool option. I will take this lovely sweater (in beige) and this lovely shawl for fall/winter.
The remaining loose change will be for paper & whatnot to go on that lovely new easel!


Blogger Amy Guth said...

I've used Alpaca products before, and like them a lot. Also, There tend to be less shearing-related injuries amoung alpacas than sheep, so you get better karma wool, too (if you're into that). ;-)

There are severa artisan weavers and knitters in northern New Mexico who also raise their alpacas themselves, and make these gorgeous sweaters and scarves, etc. If I remember correctly, there is even a women's co-op group would pools resources to care for the alpacas and maintain a little boutique with their creations. Really cool!

And, alpacas are reall cute.

8:28 AM  
Blogger wafelenbak said...

Awesome! Amy, thanks for sharing!

I agree, alpacas ARE very cute. :) Did you know they had some in Indian Boundary park the Rogers Park area? Hm, now I need to do a recon to find out if they still are there and maybe, just maybe, take some cute little alpaca photos...

8:39 AM  

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