1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

19th day, $19K.

Tonight I've been working on some fun stuff for work, but I think I have time to spend the $19,000 deposit I made a few days ago. (Prosperity update: I did get an unexpected $75 in AmEx Gift Certificates and two tickets to see Conan O'Brien. Although I did totally screw up my finances by paying my mortgages seperate. I'll have to go back to the old way.)

First on the list is a new laptop. One with a battery that holds a charge and a K key. One that is lightweight and offers me true laptoppy freedom but with a lot of power. I don't really don't know exactly what I need or want, but I'm going to budget $2500.

And I want some sort of funky desk for my laptop and home office. I'm having some trouble coming up with what I want. Sleek lines, room for Spidey to sit, but not imposing. And I really can't find it, so I guess it will have to be custom made. I'll budget $3000 for a custom home office with great lines, lighting, and Spidey space.

So now I have $13,500 to spend. What can I do with that?

How about an engagement ring? (Yes, I know. I don't have a boyfriend, but when I do have a boyfriend he will know what ring I want. From Tiffany's. Thanks for the inspiration Diane!) It is a platinum solitare for a measley $1730.

And as long as I'm buying beautiful things. Why not this necklace? Diamonds and platinum. Holy cow! It uses the rest of the mony, save a few dollars. A mere $11,500.

I'll take it. Beutiful jewelry. Why not? It doesn't all have to be mortgages and diet soda, does it?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

So Much for Blowing $14K On A Trip

It's surprisingly cheaper than I thought to go to Paris or Vienna, so my plan to shoot all of today's cash on a trip didn't exactly work out.
I will spend about $5,000 or so on a trip to Paris though, with a special guest, so that I can wear all this pretty clothing & jewelry somewhere.
Speaking of jewelry, I'm not stopping on that front. I'll take this platinum & saphire bracelet for $5,000:

And this ring for $900:

Switching gears completely, I found this painting online at Neiman Marcus. Who knew they sold art? It will go nicely with all that other stuff I bought for the living room.
And finally, I would like to spend $500 at the Prescriptives counter. I've wanted to get a colorprint/custom blend consultation for some time now, and here I can finally afford to get that done & well as purchase all the requisite products!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

For Once, I Almost Went Over!

I've got enough goodies tagged now that it's easy for me to go over my daily budget. Tee hee.
I'm still having computer issues--in addition to the browser window problems, Comcast is "upgrading" our service which meant spotty internet service for a couple days and none at all most of today. *sigh*
Enough excuses. $13,000 to spend today. It was necessary (why yes, NECESSARY) to fill that jewelry armoire. First, I went big with this lovely $2,095 bracelet. I didn't care much for the other items they recommend, though. I'm not going to itemize, but these goodies used up a good chunk of today's deposit:

Why stop with the girlie now?? I'm buying the Caramba and Talma bra & brief sets from Agent Provocateur.
As well as this dress, this one, this one, and this one.
Phew. That ought to get me through the summer, along with these 2 pairs of shoes:

And Leah definitely has me hooked on Moss. This chair is hilariously cool:

I'm not entirely sure where it's going to go, but we can always figure that out once it arrives.
I've got about $1600 left and once I figure shipping & handling on a lot of this craziness, I'm going to give myself about $1100. And lameness of lame, I've been thinking I should be putting some of this money toward paying off my student loan, so we'll start that today. I do think I allowed myself plenty of fun first.


This is hard. And the shallow bitch in me really wants to go cosmetic surgery, but the sane self-confident woman in me is resisting. I know my mom really, really wants a face lift, but she's going to have to settle for a trip back to Switzerland, Austria, and maybe Italy this time. Last year's trip was just about $6000 and she footed the bill, so this time, it's three weeks on me. And if we can swing business class flights for the $1000 descrepancy, that would be wonderful. Don't hate me if I buy ridiculously unnecessary surgical procedures tomorrow. I could get those dark spots on my face laser removed...

Monday, April 24, 2006

Seriously, $18,000?

I've had to slow down my spending, because my imagination is having a hard time refueling. Now I'm up to $18,000.

Know what I'm going to do? Go back to Moss Online and get a cool, silly sofa. Maybe it is for the lobby of my building, maybe it is for one party at a fantastic loft I'll rent tomorrow, maybe it will go in storage and only be used for special occasions. But I don't have enough bizarre, cool, funky, kick ass, funny furniture.

This couch--the Flap Sofa in White Leather--is a mere $17,865.00.

The $135 left over? I'm going to need a good dinner with a friend to recover from buying an $18K sofa. Green Zebra anyone?

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A Day Late & $1000 Short

Issues with my computer, my internet service, and the totally irrelevant but oddly coincidental cell phone have made it hard to post & shop well. I'm a day behind, but instead of stressing over spending $25,000 I'm going to let myself off the hook and just be a day behind.
In real life today I had a signature facial at Spa Space which convinced me I really could love a facial once a month. So I budgeted out about $120 per month (tip, the occasional product, variations in the facial) for the remainder of the year.
Feeling girlie, I picked out these two dresses for $317 & $385 respectively:

I realize after buying all these new dresses (and probably more to come), I need a nice slip so I'm ordering two of this one from Victoria's Secret at $32 a pop:

Another $250 for this gorgeous leather laptop bag from Abbi NY:

And now we're coming up on my favorite pieces. For $8,000, these stunning black pearl & diamond earrings from ...of course... Tiffany's:

Jewelry, in my opinion, is an investment. And hopefully something I can pass on to my daughters or daughters-in-law should I have children. Maybe a surrogate niece belonging to one of my friends if it comes to that. Anyway, all this nice jewelry should be kept in a nice jewelry box, so I picked out this jewelry armoire for $420:

And while my lovely dresses will go in the closet, I still want a new dresser to go with that new bed & pretty new armoire. Let's get this one from Pottery Barn for $1499:

I was pretty haphazard in which pieces I calculated shipping for, so with about $105 leftover let's hope that covers it. (I did calculate shipping AND heavy item delivery for the dresser & armoire so I think I'm okay!)

$6000 Doritos and Coffee

What could be better than waking up on a Sunday morning to $6000 dollars to spend? I know. Spending $6000 while enjoying a breakfast of Doritos and coffee. I'm not hungover, I promise.

This morning I decided to go girly. Specifically, I need to up the sexy factor, if I'm ever going to get out of this "cute" rut. First and foremost, I'm going to establish a sexy dress wardrobe. Unfortunately, I found the perfect sexy black dress at Bloomingdales last summer, but didn't end up buying it because it was $300. Plus, I didn't really need a sexy black dress. Now I think I do. Of course, now that I have given myself permission to buy the dress, I can't find it. I might have to follow Leah's lead and have someone sew it for me. Here's a similar one for a mere $158.00. Now, to go with my new dress, I'll need this coat at $792.00 and this one, too at $523.00.

Since summer is on the way, I'm going to need a sexy sundress. This one's only $150. Here's another spring/summer dress at $325 I might have to buy a gym membership for.

What's my tab? Only $1948. Gees. Let's add a couple of fabulous designer shoes at $500 a piece and... what the heck? I could use teeth whitening and so could my parents. That's three teeth whitenings at $1200.

Ok. Up to $4148.

How about an evening out at the W Hotel bar with two friends, who also need new dresses ($500), limo service ($150 an hour for, say 3 hours? $450) and lots and lots of champagne on me. Why not just stay at the hotel for the night, too, for $390. That should pretty much do it.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Technical Difficulties

I wasn't able to post yesterday's spending in visual detail because I'm having internet explorer issues right now. Basically it is not letting me open a new window, so when I try to go out and get my links I have to navigate away from the Blogger page and I'm continually losing my work.
I started working on today's $12,000. Hopefully late tonight or early tomorrow I can get everything up here!

Am I up to $17,000?

I think today is $17,000.

First, another recognition of the power of intention. While I haven't gotten a raise, I suddenly realized that my mortgage isn't late until 15 days after it is due. That means I can pay my first and second mortgage out of different paychecks. I was paying both out of the check I got on the 15th, which made things rough between the 15th and 30th. Now I know that I can pay one out of the 15th and one out of the 30th, pay other bills out of the 15th, pay myself a little into savings, keep my credit cards in the freezer, and now I feel like I have more money. Just by spending it on different days. I was also finally able to get a new Visa with 0% on balance transfer--which is like giving myself a loan.

So I've reorganized into a little more financial freedom since starting this project. A different relationship with money? That is what I was looking for--a partnership with money and not being a slave to my paycheck. Even with more money going out for tzedaka commitments and into the savings account, I feel better about my money.

That said.

I want a cleaning lady. There, I've said it. Jill says it is part of Jew 201, learning to have a cleaning lady. I want that lemon smell once a week and I don't want to be the one who schlepped the mop. From what I've seen, a good cleaning service is about $85/week. For a year of housekeeping that is $4350.

And I want to stop worrying about laundry. So how about laundry service? I used to do it by the pound when I lived in Wicker Park and it was only $25-30 for my whole wardrobe. But now I have some things that need dry cleaning and things that need to be kept nicer. I'm going to estimate never doing my laundry again (for a year) at $50/week. The total bill? $2600.

Why the services for things I'm more than capable of doing myself? I need to free up some time to take all those lessons I bought last week. Who can worry about laundry and mopping when there are dance lessons, hebrew lessons, cooking lessons, and dinner parties to throw?

Have I bought weekly mani/pedis yet? I think at the new place I'm going to by work it is $35 for the combo. But I don't want to go there. I want to go to the fabulous 2x10 in Andersonville. There I think the combo with a tip is close to $60 (why I've only been there twice in my city life.) So $3120 for a year of mani/pedis. Actually, I'm going to double that--not so I can go twice a week, but so I don't have to go alone every time. $6240 for mani/pedis for two for a year at two by ten.

Now I've got $3810 left. That will take care of my credit card debt and a couple months of my first mortgage. Leaving me with a carefree attitude and brain energy to focus on my lessons and improving my Hebrew. They say it can be a sexy language and I want to learn that hebrew, not the Hebrew that is described as "cutting your teeth."

$5000 day

Well, maybe this project is working for me. Since blogging that I wanted a mirrored buffet, my lovely mother offered to give me half of the cost of a less expensive one. And my friend Lucy, whose wedding I will be in next month, gave me a spa gift certificate that will pay for the back facial I wanted on day 1. Not bad.

I think I'm going to have to have a boring day today. I'm putting all $5000 towards my second mortgage. In a coupld more days, I could be paid in full.

Friday, April 21, 2006

What A Beautiful Day to Spend $11,000

For some reason, I was particularly inspired today (thanks in part to Leah's link to the most glorious Moss). Unfortunately I don't have time to post everything before I have to leave the house for the night, but I will summarize for now and post links & whatnot sometime tomorrow. That way I don't have to spend $23,000 all in one fell swoop.
Today I bought:
A lightbox
A turkish robe
More Tiffany earrings
Classes at the Calphalon culinary center for me & 2 friends--at a rate of 1 class per month.
A digital camera, and a 35 mm camera
Photography classes at the Chicago Photography Center from Levels 1-3
A ring & a bracelet from Moss
A set of Wusthof Trident knives in a block
New dishes
Glasses to go with said dishes
A set of nesting bowls from Moss

Details to come! Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Day 10 - London Calling

Welcome back fellow bloggers! And thanks for the reassurance, Leah. No more guilt. Just spending. :)
So, I told my friend Heather about this experiment and she asked me to plan a trip for me, her, and two of my other girlfriends. Okay! Let's go to London for 5 days & four nights!
The hotel I chose (The City Hotel in London) plus airfare for 4 of us and car rental add up to just shy of $5,500. The remainder of today's budget ($10,500) will be going to food, shopping, and general spending. With my borderline professional shopper friends, I'm actually a bit worried that $5,000 won't be enough!

I'm back and I've got four grand to spend

Well, Leah, not to worry. I was just "on a break." And I plan on completing this project, so fear not!

It's been easy for me to daydream about what I'd like to spend my daily deposits on, but hard to make myself remember what I decided I wanted. I need to start keeping paper and a pen with me at all times to jot down my ideas before they're totally lost.

So. Today I have four thousand dollars to spend, and dagnammit, I'm gonna do it. I'm going to start with a flat screen, wall-mountable tv, for about $2000. Half way there already. Umm... I am having a hard time with the other half. I think I'm going to have to cop out and go for a $2000 shopping spree at Anthropologie. Maybe I can buy a whole outfit with $2000.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


No, no, no, no. I think people are just on breaks, not dropping off. And don't feel guilty about spending imaginary money. If you start feeling bad about it or it feels like a chore, then stop for a day or three. But do come back. The universe needs our happy, fun vibes as much as we do.

I also figured that other people were having the same problem as me. What to do with all this cash? And in just one day? And not do a repeat?

Excuse me for a minute while I look for inspiration around the web... And I've found it at MossOnline. I want everything they sell. So many wonderful design oriented items. First on the list--f*ing cool shower. $12,470.

And a funny lamp for $605.00 Cause it makes me laugh and for no other good reason.

And a cool bracelet, because it costs ($845.00) almost as much as my mortgage and I NEED a bracelet that is this outrageous. "This ol' thing? I just picked it up in New York."

And the stacking bowls that were designed in 1952 for $410. They are simple and beautiful. Perfect for my simple, beautiful life.

Now I've got just under $2000 to spend and seem to have shopper's block. Is it possible? I want things that are $80 or $18,000, but nothing in the middle. That said, I just found a ring with text from Dante's Inferno. Can a jew wear a ring with stuff about hell written on it? Sure, why not. I'll add that to my basket for $600.00. And one more lovely necklace that is $625.00 The Superleggera necklace, to be exact.

That leaves me with $460. What can I say, after all that shopping I realize how dusty things are in here. I'm getting a maid for one day to help me properly clean and organize. I know, I know. Out of left field. But just one day with a cleaning lady. Does that make it sound better, a cleaning lady.

Now I'll reward my shopping expertise with a book.

Days 8 & 9

I could have actually blogged here last night, but I was suddenly having a moral dilemma. The other bloggers had fallen off, and Leah's recent entry made me start to think, and I began to feel like I was being a selfish & shallow person by spending so much time thinking about spending imaginary money. Plus life had gotten busy this week so I thought maybe I'd just as soon drop off the blog.
I'm over it. This is simply a fun experiment, and since I was enjoying my pretend shopping, I'm back.
And I'm going to The Golden Door Spa in California. With airfare, my total spending is $7910. Plus I know I will want to purchase some of their body care products so let's budget out another $500 for that.
I contemplated bringing a guest, but right now I really need some "me" time and frankly a trip like this I'd rather be left to my own devices.
Thanks to Cartier for putting your new fragrance in my magazine, because now I want the perfume & shower gel for a total of $210.
From that same magazine comes this very sweet rocking chair, which I would prefer to have in Walnut/Skydive. Yes, it is from a children's furniture site & yes, it is meant for new moms, but I like it just for me. Anyway, I'll keep it around if I ever do end up having babies. With shipping and handling that will cost me about $1560.
It's a bit weird, but for $900 Mandy Aftel will conduct a personal consultation with you and mix a fragrance up accordingly. I thought this was kinda cool & would be worth at least trying.
I'll send away for this rug from Macy's, and with shipping & handling I'm going to guesstimate the cost around $700.
Thinking about the home, I can't believe I'd held off this long from buying a 10 piece set of Calphalon cookware. Hm, suggested retail is $579. I think I'll send away and round up to $700.
I've got about $500 left from today but I'm getting really tired so unfortunately I'm going to have to pop it into a deposit for tomorrow, when I get to spend $10,000 as well...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Fifteen tons and what do you get

Today is day fifteen and I have $15,000 to spend. I've barely thought about it and have been slowing down my spending spree. Not because I don't enjoy this, but it is getting harder and harder to spend the money.

Especially today, reading about a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv. It makes me feel, "why should you be spending this money? People are getting killed in other countries." People are getting killed in other countries whether or not I day dream about spending $15K. Isn't it wierd that imaginary money can make me feel a little wierd inside?

Enough with that.

Young lady, you have $15,000 to spend. I've now got 10 pairs of shoes, a shopping spree at Vive La Femme, cooking lessons, hebrew lessons, dance lessons, trips around the US, Argentina and Israel. I have furniture, two scooters, goose down duvets and pillows. I have books and bookshelves. I threw a huge two day party.

I know. An Antarctic cruise for two. I'll go to the south pole. It will include a visit to Ushuaia in Tierra Del Fuego and then we'll go to Antarctica for two weeks. Looks doable for $15,000. It won't be total luxury, but do you really need luxury in the south pole?

The Shame That Is Day Seven

I want to get a nose job.
There, I said it.
I've wanted a nose job since I was in junior high. It's not for anyone but me. It's not for my confidence. It's because I have hated my nose as long as I can remember and with $7000 I can do something about it. You can think whatever you want about this decision--the reality is I'd never get lipo or a tummy tuck or anything that can't be improved by my own hard work. My nose is unavoidable, though. And I despise it. Yes, I have an idea of what I want, but I would still consult with the plastic surgeon to ensure I get what really works on my face. Mainly I want something shorter, a little upturned, and without this annoying bump at the top of the ridge.
Rhinoplasty across the country averages around $6,000. Knowing things are usually pricier than the average in Chicago, I chose today's check as the approximate correct amount.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Day 6 - Let's Go to Hawaii!

I feel a little guilty blogging about what I'm going to blow 6,000 imaginary bucks on for myself when it's Easter, but this idea has been percolating in my head for a bit, so I'll let myself off the hook a little. Plus it's almost 11pm where I am staying. Easter's nearly over.
I want to go to Hawaii. And I'll bring a guest--I'm just not sure who yet.
I'm looking at five days and four nights, flying into Maui & staying at this hotel. Not only is it gorgeous and includes a spa, it's also near a whale sanctuary, which I'll definitely want to check out.
The flight & hotel cost $3,092 through Travelocity. I'm going to throw in a rental car and a two-hour horseback riding adventure for me & my guest which takes me up to $3,458.13.
Since there is a spa in the hotel, I'm sure I'll have no problem spending the remainder of my day's deposit on luxury beyond food, drink, & souvenirs!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Day Five

I'm glad Leah's back--I was starting to feel like I had taken over this blog. :-)
Day five was interesting. I started by looking for shoes to go with that Tommy Hilfiger dress, and the next thing I knew I was browsing all up and down the aisles at Macy's in a virtual sense of course). Here are the shoes I picked out, for $45. Obviously, I want the pink ones.

While at Macy's, I ended up picking out another pair of shoes for $375,
& a matching bag for $1,000.
I don't own a lot of brown, so I have nothing to go with this great new purse and pair of shoes. I decide to get this dress for $90.

Also from Macy's, I picked out this Calvin Klein down-alternative filled comforter. I need the full size for $200. And, I need a duvet cover for my new comforter. I like this one for $199.99.
Now we're at about $1910. I decided to blow a fair sum on a folding treadmill, so when I don't feel like going to the gym I can exercise during LOST or whatever. This one got a lot of good reviews and checks in at $1,999.99.
A spa package was definitely in the cards, and this probably won't be the only one I choose to book. Today it's the Sea Space Odysssey plus Sea Space Manicure & Pedicure from Spa Space. I think my friend Gwyn is the only one who would be up for being wrapped in sea stuff, so I'm bringing her along. Grand total of $710, plus a tip of about $100 seems fair to me.
I find I still have $210 or so left, which means I can buy more bedding. From the same set as the duvet cover, I've picked out a set of sheets, a decorative pillow, and a pouf valance.
I've failed to consider shipping costs, so let's put the remainder toward that and hope it's about right.

Okay, seriously, $14K

I'm getting my nose out of my new book and getting into the swing of things.

LASIK, both eyes, $1800/eye.
Tooth whitening (My sister already costed that out for us) $400
Going to every 13 moons seminar the rest of the year, $60/each x 9, $540
Private Hebrew Tutor, a good one, weekly for the rest of the year. $75/week x 40, $3000
Private Cooking Lessons, twice a month for the rest of the year. $75/lesson x 18, $1350
Private Tango Lessons, once a week for the rest of the year. $60/week x 40, $2400
Dining room table with six chairs, so I can host dinners in my magical dining room with my new mad cooking skills. $2500

That leaves $210. With that I'll buy the food for the first meal at my new table. I'll speak hebrew and then dance tango around the table.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Day 4 & a Fancy Watch

I'm spending most of today's windfall on this very pretty watch I found in a magazine and fell in love with immediately. I adore the sweet little black satin band. The face is 18K gold, with a real diamond next to the 3. I've never had a really nice watch so I'm quite excited about this purchase.
In the same magazine, I found this cute Tommy Hilfiger dress, which will be perfect for spring. In fact, it would be really perfect to wear for Easter. I think tomorrow I'll have to get some shoes to go with it...

I'm going to spend the remaining $50 on dinner with a guest at Cafe BaBaReeba. I ate there with friends for my birthday and I've been craving more tapas since!

No good excuse.

There is absolutely no good reason why I haven't been shopping the last couple days. I'm now up to $14,000, but it (here comes the excuse) is Passover and I've been really busy. I'm tossing around LASIK and teeth whitening for starters. I might also pay a month or two of my mortgage, to free up more summer time for my trip to Israel.

Before I go to bed tonight, I'll spend this $14,000. Promise.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Okay, this is getting a bit more difficult and is going to require some planning over the coming days! Though I will say my layout skills are improving.
First, I realized this would be a great opportunity to invest in a new pc. Mine is...unstable to say the least. And I imagine anytime it might blow. So I picked out this one from Gateway for $749.00. My Dad can help with a lot of the setup, but I'd like to at least add Windows Office for $139.99. I figured if I am getting a new computer, this would be a good time go ahead and get a much needed new monitor as well. So I chose this flatscreen for $299.99.
Another thing I need to spend some of this windfall on is new, good jeans. And I mean GOOD. So I'll take two pairs of these Seven for All Mankind stretch jeans, assuming they fit. If not, I can use some of the money to get them tailored I suppose. They check in at $132.00 a pair. But from what I hear, they are definitely worth it.
Can't let a day go by without a Tiffany's purchase! I wasn't joking when I said I could probably blow all 15 days worth there. My friend Heather and I have an ongoing game where we window-shop online at Tiffany's & send each other the latest thing we're in love with, so that was good preparation for this. Anyway, this silver & 18K gold bracelet is adorable, for $1,395:

I've always wanted to own something by Betsey Johnson. I may revisit this one, since today I'm only buying these cutie pink sunglasses for $150. It may be safe to say I'm the most girly girl of all our friendly participants here.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Day 3 - $3000

Today I get to spend $3000. You know, this is starting to get a bit harder, as the amount of the deposits increases. But I think I can still get this done pretty easily today.

I have been coveting a particular piece of furniture for my dining room, which is just slightly on the bare side. It's a mirrored buffet and it costs $2,129.00. Shipping is another $265.

That leaves me $606.

$131 will be spent on this light fixture for aforementioned dining room. And I will probably have to have someone install it. I'll budget $100 for that, because I have no idea how much that will actually cost me.

I think the remaining $375 will be enough to buy me some hootchie shirts at bebe for hitting the salsa clubs.

$2000? Piece o' cake!

Remember those Tiffany earrings I mentioned yesterday to go with the necklace?
Here they are--$1150:

And I want these shoes real bad:

They're $152.00. Being Via Spiga shoes, they are most likely worth it!
Shopping around got me thinking about some things I really have needed for so long I sorta forgot about needing them. Like a new bed. I love this one from Crate & Barrell, and the sage green headboard matches my sheets & comforter (though there may be new ones on the way in the coming days). It cost $599.

Thinking about furniture reminded me I really could use a coffee table. This one checks in at $99 and comes from Ikea:

Today was a bit more practical. But we'll see what the coming days bring...I have a hunch those higher amounts will be much more challenging...

The Experiment is Working!

I would just like to say that this is working. Yesterday an opportunity dropped into my lap out of no where. What is it? A FREE trip to Israel this summer. A four day conference in Jerusalem. I've applied and am now staying focused being accepted.

And I won two tickets to a White Sox game at work. Why? I wrote a silly story for Creativity Month.

We also had a potentially very bad plumbing problem in my condo turn out to be not so bad. It even had a silver lining. People took advantage of the water being off to do some plumbing of their own. Problems were solved for free!

Free. That is prosperity. The bank account might not be rising, but it isn't falling either.

All this positive day dreaming is making a difference. Anyone else have any lovely surprises?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Day 13, balance of $4891

I got so excited this morning, outfitting myself with music and Chanel No 5. What to do with the remaining $4891?

I was walking up Michigan Avenue today, as I will do on a lovely spring day, and looking in the windows. I think it was the Cole Haan store that had me ogling some spring jackets. On second thought (and upon checking their website) it wasn't. And the Chanel website is too annoying for me to consider it having been there.


But if I don't spend the money, tomorrow I'll have to spend $18,891. That is what I'm going to do. I'm going to enjoy the iPod and enjoy the Chanel, but allow myself a carryover. Tomorrow, I'll spend it all.

UPDATE: I'm totally lying. I found something. After all--where are the 1000 books going to go? I'm going to get the Hobard Double Bookcase from Restoration Hardware. No, it won't hold all the books, but it is beautiful. And a steal at $2650. I can't afford two, but I can get one. A good start. That leaves me with $2241 and I think I'll stay at Restoration. And I'll get some Pavillion Striped Taffeta Drapes. Enough for the living room and the bedroom. I think I like them and I think they will work in the house. But wouldn't drapes be better than those vertical blinds I've got?

In A World of My Own

Um, I was playing a totally different version of the game all on my own. So just ignore my previous post and let's get on to the real deal, shall we? I'll start with the simple $100.50 I spent before...
On this bracelet from Christian Dior:

and these Gap capris:

Now then.
Let's add this 18K white gold necklace from Tiffany, for $800. The matching earrings will come tomorrow.

I've got about $99.50 to spend. I promise to get more creative in the coming days, but honestly I could spend the whole 15 days at Tiffany & Co. This sterling silver bookmark costs $75 and I am going to add my initials, DMS, for $8.00 more:
Okay, that's $16.00 left to spend. It's a shame that a gloss addict like me hasn't purchased a MAC gloss, so here's the new Lusterglass line in Petal Pusher for $14.00:

I'll take that remaining $2.00 and buy myself some Wendy's chicken strips for dinner. :)

$2, 000: Decorating the bedroom

Notice I didn't say "redecorating." Decorating. Not only does my betrothed have one of the saggiest mattresses I've ever slept on, his bedroom has all the style of a college dorm room, with a twist of a weekly sublet. Bless him for all his simplicity, but I need to make some changes if I'm expected to actually sleep there on a regular basis.

* First on the list is a new mattress. I like to sleep like a skydiver, so a king size mattress is a definite. A quick internet search puts a decent new mattress and box spring at about $700, plus delivery, so $800.
* I used to think that having my bed not on the floor, but on a $40 metal frame, was a sign of class. It still is, with a bed skirt -- that is too long. But I would love a real bed, made of wood. I'm thinking of the art deco thing in a warm honey finish for about $1,000 from Lane furniture.
* Next we need a duvet cover. The one I want, if I can get it shipped to the states, is about $110, plus say $50 for shipping. So $160. My hope is that this one isn't too girly: http://www.johnlewis.com/

* That leaves $40 for painting the trim a nice fresh cream and the walls a sleepy, deep blue.

So good-night and good-bye $2,000. . . .

For starters, an iPod.

This morning I've got $13,000 burning a whole through the bottom of my $17.99 purse. Let's see what I can get.

First things first. I still don't have an iPod. I realize that I'm a slow adopter when it comes to technology, but I'm the only person in Chicago without one. I think you get one now with your Chicago City Sticker. So I'm going totally top of the line with a 60GB iPod that holds 15,000 songs. That is only $399.00. And I'll need music on the iPod--so how about a shopping spree of music and videos.

I've heard of a service that will rip your whole CD collection. Mine isn't so much, but I'd like that done. I think it is about $150. And I think I'll spend $5,000 at iTunes to a song or two onto the iPod. That would be about 5,000 songs, right? Typically $0.99 to $1.49 a song.

I want to protect my iPod, so I'm going to get the Prada iPod case. :) My first designer tech case. It is $215 at Neiman Marcus. And as long as I'm at Neiman Marcus and in the Prada department, I might as well get a purse. How about the Antic Leather Tote for $1440.00.

Now I'm up to a total of $7204 out of $13K. Maybe there is something else at NM for me to add to my closet.

Chanel N° 5. That is what I need. But NM doesn't carry it, I guess I'll have to go to Macy's. And I want to be able to truly layer the scent, something more than the Eua de Toillette I have now.

Chanel N° 5 Parfum, 1 oz. $260.00
Chanel N° 5 Body Creme, 5.3 oz. $75.00
Chanel N° 5 Essential Bath Oils, 6.8 oz. $45.00
Chanel N° 5 Body Lotion, 6.8 oz. $45.00
Chanel N°5 Parfum Spray, $80.00

And a custom made bathroom shelf to hold all of my new Chanel goodies will be about $400.

That leaves me with a balance of $4891.00. I'll take care of that later today. For now, I'm going to rock out with my new iPod.