1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A Day Late & $1000 Short

Issues with my computer, my internet service, and the totally irrelevant but oddly coincidental cell phone have made it hard to post & shop well. I'm a day behind, but instead of stressing over spending $25,000 I'm going to let myself off the hook and just be a day behind.
In real life today I had a signature facial at Spa Space which convinced me I really could love a facial once a month. So I budgeted out about $120 per month (tip, the occasional product, variations in the facial) for the remainder of the year.
Feeling girlie, I picked out these two dresses for $317 & $385 respectively:

I realize after buying all these new dresses (and probably more to come), I need a nice slip so I'm ordering two of this one from Victoria's Secret at $32 a pop:

Another $250 for this gorgeous leather laptop bag from Abbi NY:

And now we're coming up on my favorite pieces. For $8,000, these stunning black pearl & diamond earrings from ...of course... Tiffany's:

Jewelry, in my opinion, is an investment. And hopefully something I can pass on to my daughters or daughters-in-law should I have children. Maybe a surrogate niece belonging to one of my friends if it comes to that. Anyway, all this nice jewelry should be kept in a nice jewelry box, so I picked out this jewelry armoire for $420:

And while my lovely dresses will go in the closet, I still want a new dresser to go with that new bed & pretty new armoire. Let's get this one from Pottery Barn for $1499:

I was pretty haphazard in which pieces I calculated shipping for, so with about $105 leftover let's hope that covers it. (I did calculate shipping AND heavy item delivery for the dresser & armoire so I think I'm okay!)


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