1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Friday, March 31, 2006

In the next hour, I have to spend $1656.84!

Okay, this is harder than I expected. I only had to spend $3000 today, but it might as well be a million. Let me first answer a call from my congregation and put $100 towards the heating bill.

Now I'm at $1556.84 and the focus is on pampering me. I went to a spa, I bought new insides for my closet, and paid my share of the heating bill for my congregation. Can I get a cool Queen sized bed for $1500? Or maybe a lovely couch? Or maybe insanely nice sheets and a feather duvet?

I'm not really finding anything. I'm bad at spending money, but I know I should do more than just give tzedekka, right?

Okay, I'm looking for Wardrobe Consultants. But the truth is, my friend Cathy helps me shop. Maybe... I know. I can take that $1556.84 and get lunch for me and Cathy for, say $45, and blow the rest at Vive La Femme and Alamo Shoes.

And with the last $2395...

While my sister Rayne had a good suggestion, I think I'll lay the groundwork for the wardrobe makeover. I'm going to head to the Container Store and order fantastic new insides for my bedroom closet.

Enough with that measley wire shelf, I want drawers, multiple shelves, double decker rods. I think I can spend $2395 there.

Wait! It is only $738.16! That leaves $1656.84 to spend today!

I need to do some more thinking. Good thing I'm not rich yet, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

The first few dollars

Today I am going to pamper myself. My first stop? Kiva Spa. Now, I do have a $25 gift certificate to use towards the treatments. What am I going to take from their menu?

I'm going to take the entire day and do the Transformation Package. The package is as follows:
  • Transformation $630.00
  • 7.5 hours
  • KIVA Custom Exfoliation
  • Therapeutic Massage (80 minutes)
  • Botanical Blends Facial
  • Spa Lunch
  • Hot Lava Mud Manicure
  • Hot Lava Mud Pedicure
  • Make-up Lesson

I think that is a good place to start. $605.oo well spent. Now what to do with the $2400 still left???

Day Three: Making a $3000 deposit.

Today is the third day of my experiment and that means I'm up to $3000! So I'm making my deposit, then I'll come back after lunch and start spending. I'm looking for inspiration--I've definitely never spent this much in one fell swoop.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

And when I said $1250, I meant $800

Okay, so I really only have $800 and not the $1250 I thought I had left. But that is okay, I think I can manage to spend $800 by the end of the day. Besides, I also know that tomorrow I get to spend $3000.

What to do with $800?

I know!

I will buy four fantastic 24 inch bar stools for my kitchen. Yes--I'll pay $200 for each one. Won't that be lovely--being able to seat people at my island for a proper dinner!

And spend $2000

I was so excited, that I deposited the $2000 last night. And now I'm going to do some shopping. But what to spend the money on today?

First, let me take care of my committment to the JUF. That is $650.00.

I'm going to go a little crazy and spend $100 on a really nice DVD player. See, I'm willing to let some technology into my life.

And why not add a $200 scanner/printer/copier into the mix. I mean, if you are going to let in technology--why not get the things you really want?

And a Kitchen Aid Mixer. A red one. That knocks another $250 off the $2000 I am spending today.

Goodness. After all that spending, I still have $1250 to spend. I'm going to spend that after lunch. Maybe I'll have more inspiration.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

$2000 deposit.

I know I'm supposed to make the deposit tomorrow, but I can't wait. I am making the two thousand dollar deposit tonight. Then I'll get to dream about how I'll spend it tomorrow.

Here you go bank account. Two Thousand Dollars! In one fell swoop, into the bank account. Tomorrow night it will be back to zero, but in the meantime.... oh what fun we'll have together!

Day One: $1000 into account and $1000 spent.

This morning I am depositing $1000 into my new bank account. Boom. Direct Deposit. One thousand dollars.


Now I'm going to spend it all. Shouldn't be hard, it is $1000. I spend twice that every month on things I need and want. But all in one day?

All ready it is hard. Do I first spend it on things I must spend money on? My mortgage? The committment of tzedakka I've made? Or on some new clothes? Or on a lovely lunch? Or a plane ticket?

I know... I'll spend it on the Reclaiming Mikveh Conference at Mayyim Hayyim!

$36 Pre-conference Seminar Registration: Sunday, June 4
$180Two-Day Conference Registration: Monday, June 5 and Tuesday, June 6 (Includes two breakfasts & two lunches, "The Mikveh Monologues" and an "Immersion Gift Certificate")
$25 Sunday Dinner Buffet
$36 Monday Dinner Buffet
$599 Flight and Hotel
$124 Cabs, snacks, incidentals.

That was easy and on something I'd love to go to.

The Experiment

I am going to do an experiment outlined by Esther and Jerry Hicks in their book Ask and it is Given. It is simple, each day imagine that I have deposited $1000 into a bank account and each day spend the money. Wait, it isn't that simple. Day one is a $1000 deposit and $1000 spent. Day two is an additional $1000. Day three is an additional $1000. At the end of the first week I'll have to figure out how to spend $7000 in one day.

The goal? To give my imagination a work out. To become open to the flow of the energy of money in my life. To see it come and go. To have fun.

If I do other Abraham Hicks experiments, I'll let you know. This is the biggie I'm doing... that I'm doing in public.