1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bounce with it, bounce with it.

I have somewhere between $20K and $60K to spend today. Ah, a lovely feeling. I'm trying to keep myself in a place of prosperity thinking. Instead of spending the money, I'm going to make a list of things I really want to see happen next year.

1. I want to easily pay my bills, manage my money, and save a little.
2. I want to give to my synagogue and to Israeli charities at a comfortable level.
3. I want to see the plumbing project in my building completed and pay the assessment with ease.
4. I want to travel to Israel for my 30th birthday and pay with ease.
5. I want to fill my closet with fabulous clothes in a size 14.
6. I want to continue going to the gym and become a size 14.
7. I want to make good use of my new Kitchen Aid Mixer.
8. I want to get a lovely, modern couch for my living room.
9. I want to pay more than is required on my second mortgage with ease.
10. I want to receive money for my writing.
11. I want to be promoted to a level where I am eligable for bonuses.
12. I want to fill my refridgerator with good, healthful food.
13. I want to come together with my beloved.
14. I want to travel to see my sister more over her summer break.
15. I want to study hebrew with ease.
16. I want to have vivid, positive dreams.
17. I want to dance more.
18. I want to laugh more.
19. I want to be tickled more (so when I'm getting a massage I don't fall into a fit of laughter.)
20. I want to have more massages and facials.
21. I want to welcome a MacBook Pro into my life.
22. I want to travel somewhere fabulous that I haven't considered before.
23. I want to have more making out in my life.
24. I want to have something I can mark by going back to Mikvah.
25. I want to be able to treat the people in my life to fabulous outings, meals, and pampering.

And all of that is priceless. It is what I want and it is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm, wow. Who can argue with that?
(great list, Leah!)

2:41 PM  

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