1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

2000, 3000 - The money is just rolling in.

I did a speaking engagement yesterday and got a $2000 check on the spot. It felt great to be able to talk to 127 corporate employees about bringing their spirituality to work. Their faces lit up when they realized that they didn't have to be an empty shell in the workplace. That along with pictures of family and friends, they could use their breaks for quiet introspection or a nature walk to reconnect with their Spirit. My client, the manager of a small office within a Fortune 500 company, enjoyed my presentation so much that he's going to suggest it to one of his colleagues in the company. Yay!

When the clerk at the bank handed me the receipt from depositing that check, I noticed an additional $3000. Must be the downpayment for the workshop I have scheduled for next Thursday. I'm going to facilitate an offsite meeting for a mid-size company. They're doing week long planning with 25 of their key employees and they asked me to do a workshop on injecting passion into profits. They want their employees to live full lives and they heard that I talk about Spirituality and how to integrate it into your life. I'm doing the workshop with an expert on health and fitness, a financial planner, and a relationship counselor. Companies are really changing their workplaces. I'm so excited to be a part of this evolution!

Now, what to spend the money on. Well, let's see.

$500 - Tithe. I'll add this to my check on Sunday.
$500 - LT Savings. I've got to take care of my retirement. I'll still be up and around then, but I'll probably do this for free. At the very least, I can give the money away to foundations that promote the arts in education.
$2500 - Debt repayment. I feel a lot better now that I don't have to worry about those lingering balances.
$1500 - Hard woods throughout the bottom floor of my house. I feel like I have so much more space and the living room and dining room feel welcoming, cozy, and classy at the same time. I love the look!

I'm off to start my day. Today, it's going to be an inthe office, no phone callse, no emails, write till you drop marathon. I'm working on my first book. It's going to be about my experience with weight loss.


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