Newbie Taking Care of Myself
Hi all,
My name is Nneka and it's my first time on the $1000 project. I met Leah on the Steve Pavlina boards and asked her to participate. Thank you all for allowing me to be a part of the group. As I go along, you'll learn a lot about me.
Today is the first day of the rest of my life. When I stepped out this morning to start my walk, I found an envelope on my doorstep. The envelope was marked "Take Care of Yourself." When I opened it up there was $1000 in there.
At first I was very puzzled by the message and the cash. It seemed a bit incongruent. Then I realized that I could use that cash to do some things that I've been putting off, so here goes.
- $100 - Tithe. I tithe on all income. It reminds me that God is my Source and that money can materilize from anywhere. This morning proved that to me.
- $100 - Savings. I am nuturing the habit of saving 10% of all income. It wasn't always this way.
- $150 - Get my braces off. I've had my braces on for 7 years. 5 without a visit to the dentist due to a bad experience. I'm ready to get my teeth straight. This is the first step.
- $150 - Teeth cleaning and initial dentist visit.
- $500 - Ticket to Miami for Christmas to visit my parents, brother, and niece and nephew.
Yes! I feel like I'm well on my way to taking good care of myself, so that I can step out and help others.
Have a great day!
Welcome! And you're off to a great start! :)
Welcome aboard!
Thanks gals:-) I think this is sooo cool. I'm really glad I followed the link and had the guts to ask to be a part of it.
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