1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Friday, September 08, 2006

I only have so many witty titles about money. $4000

I need to build up my book reserves. Not books I need to read, but books to have on hand to give to people. I don't think every person needs the same five books from me, but I do think that I'd like a big pile to pull from. I'm spending a bulk of today's cash on books to prescribe to friends and give away.

Ask and It Is Given by Jerry and Esther Hicks. I bought four copies of it in my real life and am already down to one. In one day. I'll buy 100 copies at the current sale price of $9, so $900 there. I'm sure I'll qualify for super savings at Amazon.

Love Is The Killer App by Tim Sanders. It is the most important biz book I've read in ages, seriously fantastic. I'll buy 100 copies of it as well. Looks to be in the $11 range, so another $1100.

I would like to have a selection of books for people in various stages of conversion. 9 Questions People Ask About Judaism, Choosing a Jewish Life, The How To Handbook for Jewish Living, and Jewish With Feeling. That's probably a $60 set and I'd like 20 sets on hand. $1200.

And to support writers that I know or have known or want to know, I would also have a stack of Amy's Three Fallen Women, Josh Bell's new book of poetry, Robin and Renee's Shaking her Assets, and a few of Scott Westerberg's books. I'll spend $800 on those.

The idea is as I give books away, books will be given to me. Better than money anyday, knowledge, words, lovely sentences, images... What is better than sharing books? Seriously?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leah, this is fantastic!!
And...um...could I borrow Ask and It Is Given? I'm not sure I want to commit to buying it...

12:07 PM  
Blogger Leah in Chicago said...

Of course you can! four books gone in 24 hours, must be a world record.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Amy Guth said...


Um, can I borrow it after Diane is finished reading it?

6:06 PM  

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