1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Friday, September 15, 2006

God... about that bonus?

The longer you wait, the bigger the bonus is gonna have to be. You know it is up to $9000 now? And what, you wonder, can Leah do with $9000?


Have I bought a new computer this month? I now it is something I do regularaly, but that is because I want a new computer. In my life as a writer and occasional talker, I have a totally Kick Ass Mac Laptop that comes in around, um $4000? And so I never have to worry about connectivity, I also have a smartphone ($400) that acts as a bluetooth modem and a super duper plan ($2000/year) for all the internet, wireless, talking, texting, uploading, hosting I need.

With the remaining $2600 I think that my new computer and I need to take a writing vacation to San Francisco. I lived there when I was 19 for 9 long weeks. I wanna go back, stay in a luxurious hotel, walk and write all day long. I think I can spend $2600 on a four night stay, don't you?

Luxury, my friends, luxury.


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