1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Well. I have been practicing my meditation all week, usually in the evening, and it may just be a coincidence since the sun is back today, but I woke up feeling realllly good. Hippie-dippie as it may sound, my mantra is "breathe joy in, breathe pain out" and it really seems to be working. Also, I had a random joyful image float by in one session that I try to focus on now. It's me taking a bath at grandma's house as a child. Very simple. Very joyous. I so vividly remember her having those bath oil beads instead of the more pedestrian bubble bath we had at the house, and for some reason I just thought that was so posh.
The other joyful news is that I got approved in phase II of the Chemo Angel process and now I'm just waiting for my patient assignment to arrive! So to celebrate, I walked over to Hazel (LOVE IT!) at lunchtime and bought a pack of very beyoootiful and hip notecards, and some odd but cute little Japanese stickers.
Also, my story about manifesting an oatmeal cookie is over at A Life Much Sweeter. :)


Blogger Leah in Chicago said...

Hippie Dippie away Diane! Sounds like it is working wonders!

5:44 PM  

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