An idea...
When in our lives have we felt prosperity before? What makes us feel prosperous now? I was thinking about this today on my Shabbes walk around my neighborhood and boiled it down and decided that I feel "together" and on top of things...
1. When my apartment and car are both clean and cared for.
2. On the week when the last bill is paid before the new ones start coming in. For a week, everything is neutral.
3. When my fingernails, toenails and hair are all cared for and look nice.
4. When I can give something to help someone.
5. When my office is organized and work is flowing easily.
Sure, gorgeous soft sheets make me feel pampered and so do nice clothes and shoes and such, but to boil it down, and to think abot the thing I can do Right Now, well, I think this is a good start. Anyone else? What ingredients go into a prosperity moment like this for you?
1. When I don't have to check my online banker because I know I'm not close to zero and everything has been cashed.
2. On my couch, Spidey on my lap, deep in a good book.
3. The laundry is done, folded, and the hamper is empty.
4. Opening a bottle of wine to drink from juice glasses with friends.
5. Writing in the zone.
Ah Amy, I'm developing such a hetero girl crush on you. :)
1. I'd agree with clean laundry--especially when sheets & towels are involved.
2. When I actually "forget" to cash my paycheck for a couple days because I don't desperately need the money.
3. Whenever my Mom sends me flowers.
4. When I'm working out by myself & I'm really focused.
5. Anytime I'm doing anything with my girl friends.
"float my cork"
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