1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Run For Your Life!

Like Leah was mentioning in her other blog, I've got some real concerns about my weight lately. I'm nudging up on the number my doctor said would be the point when "we'd need to have a conversation." Ugh.
Overall I think I eat pretty well. If I try to eat lighter I end up sacrificing iron, so that's no good. I love my sweet treats but I think I do a pretty good job of keeping myself in check.
I know I need to exercise more--the sedentary life at home is not helping matters a bit. And the whole Pilates class thing just didn't work out. This time of year, I have always loved to go running. The air is so fresh and crisp! But at the same time I am scared. The two times I had kidney stones were precipitated by including running in my life again.
As my aunt pointed out, not running isn't exactly preventing kidney stones, it's just keeping them from coming loose. And I'm trying realllly hard to keep my fluid intake up so that the whole system is flushed out. Any time I notice my pee getting a bit dark, I rush out and buy two giant bottles of Evian!
All of this to say, in the morning I am going to try running again. I don't need a running buddy (I really run better solo) but if this goes okay without causing any medical issues, I do need some running cheerleaders. So check in with me on this one, okay?
Thank you!!


Blogger Leah in Chicago said...

"I, Diane, easily and safely run the distance I choose to, when I choose to. This is what I want."

You can totally run all you want! Let us know how it goes!


6:56 PM  
Blogger Amy Guth said...

As a woman who has done many crazy, painful, frustrating, dumb, and strenuous stunts to figure out the right way to run for 26.2 miles at a time, I am a sympathetic, gentle and silly running cheerleader, and recruited for this very thing before! Mostly for the silliness, and willingness to pass along the principles of my former running coach, that it's better to be good and gentle to your soul than it is to hurt yourself proving a point.

9:18 PM  
Blogger Amy Guth said...

As a woman who has done many insane, uncomfortable, frustrating, outrageous and just plain kooky things to learn to run, I eagerly await orders for Cheerleading Duty.

Know why?

Because I am more than happy to call SHENANIGANS on you and hide your running shoes and make you rest instead. :-)

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh sugar plums, fear not--the most I have and will ever run is a 5K. This is just to get me active again. And...I woke up late this morning and totally skipped it anyway. But tomorrow! Tomorrow I strap on the Nike's again!

10:24 PM  
Blogger Amy Guth said...

How retarded am I? I thought blogger ate my first comment so I posted a second. DERRRR.

12:56 PM  

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