1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Monday, December 04, 2006

$3000 and The Daves

I think I should explain that second part first. Over the weekend I had a striking revelation. After a couple attempts at writing some fiction, I realized fiction is just not my bag. Never has been--when I took the fiction classes in college my teachers all said my fiction read like poetry. But not in a good way, rather, in a "this has no plot it's just a bunch of images" way. I excelled in writing papers and a memoir-focused class I took in grad school.
I exclaimed this weekend, "I need to write like David Sedaris. Or Dave Barry. I want to be a girl Dave." Yes, I want to be a girl Dave. Or, I want to publish a collection of humorous observations on a topic. And then a series of collections of humorous observations on a topic. Yeah.
In other news, let's pretend I can drink coffee like I used to and drop a big chunk of today's spending on this coffee maker/cappuccino machine/espresso dohickey. You are cordially invited over for one of Diane's fantastic lattes and shortbread cookies. Oh wait, better yet--partake in my 3 months of croissants!
What's that? You say you're not a coffee drinker? Well, no problem there--I can fix you some tea in this very nice teakettle (in cobalt blue, please). Let's throw some loose change toward nice teas and fine espresso.
Once everyone leaves, I can be found watching tv from the courtesy of my massaging lounger. Ahhhhh. And perhaps I'll give myself a facial with this yummy-sounding and very natural micropeel system.
Unrelated to any of the above, but painfully cute, two little Swarovski kittens that don't want to load--so I'll post the images later. ;)


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