Running on Beans
I ran today. I ran, I ran, I ran. I had a good run, as I figured I would. This weather is just optimal for me to run in for some reason. However, if this is to continue as planned, I need to invest in a quilted vest thingee. Like this for example. I've seen some with hoodies sewn in--I wish I could remember where. That's what I'd really like.
The other thing is, I'm becoming something of an inadvertant vegetarian. I've never been a big meat eater anyway, particularly when it comes to red meat. Seriously, it's a newsworthy event when I consume red meat. Lately I've just been really partial to vegetarian dishes, and have been contemplating the Buddhist concept of linking vegetarianism to general goodwill to all living creatures. But then, I think, aren't plants living creatures too? How do you draw the line? Is it just sentient beings, perhaps?
Well anyway. I'm toying with it. I was a vegetarian during most of college. I got very skinny. I also became sickly, because I didn't do it well. But then, who does eat well in college? It was either pizza, or beans and rice. Am I ready to make the commitment to doing it properly? To consider it both a health and a spiritual choice?
We will see. I am taking a mighty good iron supplement now.
Yikes, I'm running and contemplating vegetarianism and suddenly it's making me feel like I'm getting all single white female on Amy. Gah! Honest, I won't be converting anytime soon. ;)
Nah, no SWF at all.
If you want info, I have tons! :)
The bigger question I'm left with this morning is...can I live with myself as a total f-ing hypocrite, since I have this absolutely fabulous leather jacket that I am not willing to part with?
It isn't like you are buying a NEW leather jacket, you are wearing one from before. no new animals are going to be killed for something you already own.
Hm.....good justification, Leah! :) follow up on what Leah said...
I feel the same way; I have leather shoes that I bought a long time ago that I still use because I feel as if it would be much worse to be wasteful than to just wear them out. Future shoes though will be vegan. But dang that will be tough because I am really prissy/choosey when it comes to shoe comfort.
I second what Adam said. Good thinkin'.
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