My very own sunroom?
A sunroom all my own would be the most wonderful thing ever! Since my husband works from home, it is a necessity to have a second bedroom in our new place that he will be able to use as an office. Being able to close the door and leave it all behind will help a lot (he is currently working at one end of our living room). But my own private reflection, meditation, sunny, soak-up-the-sun-like-a-cat room would be pure luxury. It is something I have been wanting since we first moved to Chicago.
What would I buy first? I think some nice light-weight curtains are in order (10 or so for $200) with curtain rods for $200. Then a nice desk that saves space when not in use for $1100. And a funky chair for $200 (why did I pick the lime green one? I am really not sure!). Of course I would need some pillows to lounge around on the floor with and since I can't pick between all the really cool ones here, I will just allot $400 to get a variety. Also needed for the floor is an awesome rug and rug pad. For the evenings, a cool lamp would definitely help. Leaving $100 to get the whole thing painted!
So glad I'll get to come and hang out in your Sunroom!
I do, right?
I adore that desk! have a sunroom that is mainly being used to collect junk. Don't hate me!! I swore I would turn it into a "creative space", so perhaps you'll inspire me. :)
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