For some strange reason, an e-mail I got from an old friend I've sort of lost touch with has brought me to tears. The content of the letter was essentially, remember the guy that you introduced me to that you used to have a crush on? We're living together! Remember that job you left a couple years ago because you were a terrible sales person? He's working there now, as a manager! Remember the kitty you helped me pick out at the animal shelter where you were volunteering? She's doing great! Remember that great job you helped me find? I'm still there, and promoted twice over!
I love this friend. I harbor no ill will toward her, and after she got kicked around a bit by a crappy louse of a man she totally deserves this.
So why is it, when I responded with "I love my job, I work from home, I am getting some writing projects out, I am happily single" I felt like a failure. How am I a failure?? Because I have no desire to climb the corporate ladder and it shows? Because I have CHOSEN not to seek the love of my life right now because I am so busy? Because I have CHOSEN to make my creative focus the more slow-moving and less public writing I'm doing, versus the much more visible theater I used to do (and they choose to do)? I don't know. But that was rough and I need a hug.
HA! I think margarita might be the right answer. :)
Hope the mental hugs are still finding you nicely.
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