1000 Dollar Experiment
We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.
I've been doing this with a Fibonacci sequence (doubling the amount instead of just increasing by $1000 every day, so I might have to slow that down soon).
4 night Disney cruise in the Bahamas for my parents, my sister's family and me in verandah rooms
The other $7,000 will be for hotels, flights, parking, tips, souvenirs, transfers and making it an all around lovely experience.
Additional upgrades to my condo/rental property
$2000 - new washer dryer
$500 - new dishwasher
$2000 - new windows
$1500 - remove track lighting and replace with ceiling fans, other lighting solutions.
$2000 - deep cleaning, repainting, minor repairs