1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Totally Ripping Off Amy

I like the idea of setting a list and updating it with strike-throughs. I don't think I'm ambitious enough to come up with a list of 100, but here's what I do have:

1. Learn more about Kundalini yoga (I did it last night for the first time and it blew me away!)
2. Attend a meditation workshop in Lakeview (or two or three)
3. Take a bellydancing class (or two or three
4. Purchase an organizer for my DVD's and start putting them in it.
5. Put together that bookcase I bought embarrassingly long ago--figure out how to scrap old bookcase and get rid of it.
6. Put together new computer & new monitor, sell old monitor edited to add: sell computer as well on Craig's List
7. Spend more time going out to take pictures.
8. Launch the bathroom blog in all its glory.
9. Change Netflix account to one at a time, return all Netflix DVD's in my possession.
10. Learn basic French in preparation of planning a trip to France.
11. Get a passport.
12. Resolve driver's license issue with City of Chicago before license is up for renewal in April.
13. Call my accountant to make appointment for finalzing my 2006 taxes, so that I can rest assured I have saved enough money and thus be able to have a little more fun with my earnings. Appointment 1 of 2 scheduled for Wednesday!
Edited to add...
14. Get a library card.
15. Find out if I can check books out of academic libraries--if so, begin checking out a literary mag a week.
16. Update resume. Not out of necessity or fear, but because it's long overdue, and who knows, my employer may want to see a copy of it if, you know, they decide to hire me permanently or something... ;)


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