(February goal notes)
Posting my 100 goals here in January worked really well, and I would be remiss to not report what I had accomplished on the list.
I worked on my second novel a bit more. I didn't do 2,007 stairs on the StairMaster in the first week because I spent a lot of January sick, but I did complete them. Check! I gave myself spa time. Check! I revamped my marketing plan. Check! I gave the pink kitchen painting to A----. Check! I repaired the spot on my living room rug. Check! I got the rest of the links up on my blog that I want there. Check! I updated my website pretty well for this month. Check! I attended three, not two, schmoozy events. One went eh, one was good, one was GREAT! Check! I cleaned out my address book and updated it. Check! I figured out a time to visi my parents. Check! Plans for a charity fundraiser were casually mapped out. Check! I sent e-cards. Check! I learned about my new camera and have been taking more pictures. Check! I've been trying to casually use more bits of French with friends who understand it to try to brush up, so far so good. Check! I watched the entire fourth season to The Simpsons and began to tackle season nine. Check! I obviously didn't get six months of living expenses into savings, but I dis get as much as I could in there and that's my best. Check! I had such a good experience with my last schmoozy event that I am not as dread-filled about them. Check! I used Ahava products all month for myself and started selling Ahava, etc on eBay. Check! I did well at keeping in touch with people. Not perfectly, but better. Check! I looked at my options for the certificates I could earn that would be the most useful to me. Check! i put the Dorrie children's books on my eBay watch list. Check! I found and bought the long-sought book from my childhood, The Great Blueness and it should arrive any day! Check! I trimmed my hair but didn't chop it. Check! I haven't gone yet, but I am ticketed to attend live music this weekend. Check! I got a manicure and a pedicure when I needed them. Check! I did step into 2007 with a balanced checkbook, money in my pocket, a clean house and a stocked pantry, all to set a good tone for the year. Check! I read another book. Check! I bought a piece of artwork to contribute to the decorating of my bedroom. Check! I handed out business cards when the situation arose for me to do so. Check! I e-subscribed to the Wall Street Journal to keep in touch with the business and financial worlds. Check! I subscribed to the Word of The Day again. Check! I didn't buy a single generic item in January and I feel like I had extra money this month, interestingly enough. Check!
I'll set my Feb. goals in a day or two. not, uh, 100 of them, just hte biggies. :)
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