1000 Dollar Experiment

We are joyfully creating our lives. We welcome prosperity, health, beauty, love, friendship, and all wonderful, positive things. Sometimes we play the Prosperity Game. Google it, sweetheart.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

From $9000 to $95000

Gee whiz! This cash accumulates fast. I'm behind, but it's Christmas, and I've got a list:-D

$9500 - Tithe. Minister called me in to find out what I'm doing to get all this cash. Business is booming I say. Life is just fantastic!
$9500 - Savings

$6000 - Braces. It's going to cost $2500 for the actual braces, but I'm putting aside $3500 for all the incidental stuff that they come up with like jaw cutting and retainers after the fact.
$10,000 - I'm taking a month off and going to Europe. I want to spend a week in Italy (Venice, Rome, Tuscany), a week in Greece, a week in France, and a week in Spain. Before I start the circuit though, I'm spending New Year's Eve in Zweibruecken, Germany at the Fassanrie Romantik.
$5000 - Interior decorator. I was trying to do my house one room at a time, but since I've accumulated this much cash, I'm hiring an interior decorator to come in and paint a picture for me.
$25,000 - I'm giving him a generous budget. I want him to have real fun on this project. When I get back from Europe my home will feel warm and inviting. I am so looking forward to this treat at the end of my trip.
$30,000 - Scholarship for 3 girls from my high school to do a month in Europe over the summer. One of my dreams is to fund an annual class trip. This is a start.

Happy Shopping!


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