You Think Spending This Pretend Money is Hard?
Try doing it a second round, with no duplicates!
Somehow I managed to overlook the glorious idea of a plasma television. And hey, it's on sale for $3,699.
If I'm going to have this nice tv, it's finally time to get cable (I know, I know--but in real life I just have a crappy little magnavox & some seriously creative wiring for the cable internet). I just estimated a year's worth, at $660 for the package I want.
Heck, let's throw Tivo in there too. $250 for the Tivo unit I want and $155.40 for a year of service.
And when I'm bored with my tv, I can read by the light of this lamp.
The remaining $350 or so will be spent on DVD's to watch on my fantastic new television. Hm, perhaps I should purchase a mini fridge next time, since it looks like I won't be leaving the living room for awhile...
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